Relaxation ぐっすり眠れる 音の処方箋
- 2,500 JPY
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一度購入したダウンロード作品のファイルおよびおまけファイルは、何度でも・無期限にダウンロードが可能です。 BOOTHにログインした状態で購入履歴より該当の注文詳細にアクセスし、ダウンロードしてください。 下記の場合でも再ダウンロードは可能です。 ・ダウンロードファイルが更新および追加された場合 ・商品が非公開になった・削除された場合 ▶必ず効果はありますか? <おことわり> ・収録音源に示された効能には個人差があり、効果効能を保証するものではございません。 ・収録音源は医薬品と違い、病気の治療・予防を目的とするものではありません。
Relaxation hello-job provides a prescription for "love and healing" that "prepares the mind and body". If we can brake the sympathetic nerves by familiar music and acoustic characteristics, the balance of autonomic nerves will be well balanced and it will lead to a healthy state again. ▶Original music produced based on medical reasons by an exclusive autonomic nurse specialist. By listening to recorded sources, you will be prompted to make the parasympathetic nerves required for sleeping become dominant, arranging the disturbed autonomic nerves, so you will lead you to a high quality sleep. If you feel that the reason why you can not get good sleep is because the balance of the autonomic nervous is disturbed, please listen to this recording source by all means. If you are an early person, you will soon see the effect. ◆Relaxation Prescription of a sound sleep sound <Music> 1.Music for sleeping~【Super sleepy】 2.Music for sleeping~【Healing of α waves】 3.Music for sleeping~【deep sleep】 4.Music for sleeping~【Sleep mode】 5.Music for sleeping~【Quiet peace】 6.Music for sleeping~【Comfortable α wave】 7.Music for sleeping~【Clear morning】 8.Music for sleeping~【Ultimate healing】
Frequently Asked Questions
▶ Can I download the downloaded item again? Once downloaded work files and bonus files can be downloaded any number of times and indefinitely. Please login to BOOTH and access the corresponding order details from the purchase history and download it. Re-download is possible even in the following cases. · When the download file is updated and added · When the product becomes private · When it is deleted ▶Do you have any effect? <Remarks> · There are individual differences in the efficacy indicated in the recorded sound source, there is no guarantee of effect effect. · The recorded sound source is different from medicine, it is not intended to treat or prevent disease.