- 003 三日月宗近Ships within 7 daysOut of StockShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)800 JPY
- 005 小狐丸Ships within 7 daysOut of StockShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)800 JPY
- 007 石切丸Ships within 7 daysOut of StockShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)800 JPY
- 009 岩融Ships within 7 daysOut of StockShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)800 JPY
- 013 大典太光世Ships within 7 daysOut of StockShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)800 JPY
- 019 にっかり青江Ships within 7 daysOut of StockShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)800 JPY
- 021 鬼丸国綱Ships within 7 daysOut of StockShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)800 JPY
- 025 一期一振Ships within 7 daysOut of StockShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)800 JPY
- 045 乱藤四郎Ships within 7 daysOut of StockShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)800 JPY
- 049 薬研藤四郎Ships within 7 daysOut of StockShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)800 JPY
- 053 大包平Ships within 7 daysOut of StockShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)800 JPY
- 055 鶯丸Ships within 7 daysOut of StockShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)800 JPY
- 057 明石国行Ships within 7 daysOut of StockShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)800 JPY
- 065 蜻蛉切Ships within 7 daysOut of StockShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)800 JPY
- 073 燭台切光忠Ships within 7 daysOut of StockShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)800 JPY
- 087 大和守安定Ships within 7 daysOut of StockShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)800 JPY
- 089 歌仙兼定Ships within 7 daysOut of StockShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)800 JPY
- 091 和泉守兼定Ships within 7 daysOut of StockShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)800 JPY
- 093 陸奥守吉行Ships within 7 daysOut of StockShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)800 JPY
- 097 山伏国広Ships within 7 daysOut of StockShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)800 JPY
- 099 堀川国広Ships within 7 daysOut of StockShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)800 JPY
- 101 蜂須賀虎徹Ships within 7 daysOut of StockShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)800 JPY
- 110 髭切Ships within 7 daysOut of StockShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)800 JPY
- 114 膝丸Ships within 7 daysOut of StockShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)800 JPY
- 116 大倶利伽羅Ships within 7 daysOut of StockShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)800 JPY
- 120 不動行光Ships within 7 daysOut of StockShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)800 JPY
- 122 獅子王Ships within 7 daysOut of StockShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)800 JPY
- 132 太郎太刀Ships within 7 daysOut of StockShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)800 JPY
- 136 日本号Ships within 7 daysOut of StockShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)800 JPY
- 138 御手杵Ships within 7 daysOut of StockShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)800 JPY
- 140 巴形薙刀Ships within 7 daysOut of StockShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)800 JPY
- 154 南泉一文字Ships within 7 daysOut of StockShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)800 JPY
- 160 豊前江Ships within 7 daysOut of StockShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)800 JPY
- 166 南海太郎朝尊Ships within 7 daysOut of StockShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)800 JPY
- 168 肥前忠広Ships within 7 daysOut of StockShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)800 JPY
- 172 桑名江Ships within 7 daysOut of StockShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)800 JPY
- 178 松井江Ships within 7 daysOut of StockShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)800 JPY
- 180 山鳥毛Ships within 7 daysOut of StockShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)800 JPY
- 188 日光一文字Ships within 7 daysOut of StockShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)800 JPY
- 192 五月雨江Ships within 7 daysOut of StockShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)800 JPY
- 194 大千鳥十文字槍Ships within 7 daysOut of StockShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)800 JPY
- 198 一文字則宗Ships within 7 daysOut of StockShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)800 JPY
- 200 村雲江Ships within 7 daysOut of StockShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)800 JPY
- 202 姫鶴一文字Ships within 7 daysOut of StockShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)800 JPY
- 204 福島光忠Ships within 7 daysOut of StockShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)800 JPY
- 212 笹貫Ships within 7 daysOut of StockShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)800 JPY
- 214 人間無骨Ships within 7 daysOut of StockShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)800 JPY
- 220 実休光忠Ships within 7 daysOut of StockShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)800 JPY
- 224 孫六兼元Ships within 7 daysOut of StockShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)800 JPY

※追加してほしい刀剣男士アンケートを作成しました https://forms.gle/VubLUgKmnyEu9iFK7 ■不定期に頒布します。 入荷お知らせメールを登録してお待ち下さい。 ■こちらはイベント及びこのBOOTHでのみ頒布しております。(転売禁止) ■予定日より早く発送されては困るという方はメッセージください。 新型コロナウイルスの影響により、多少遅れる場合もございます。 ■期日より早めに締め切る場合があります。ご了承くださいませ。 刀剣男士が自らの神気で生成したお守り。 ある者は近しい者に、ある者は情を寄せる者に、ある者は仕える主に。 無事に帰城できるよう、離れていても守れるよう渡し、受け取った者は密かに懐に忍ばせていたという。 ――というコンセプトのお守り型キーホルダーです。 ■素材 アクリル+ゴールドインク イメージカラークリスタル お守り房 ※材料調達の都合により種類が変わることがあります サイズ:約40mm×60mm ※アクリルは傷つきやすいため、多少の初期傷が発生する場合があります。ご了承ください。 ------------------------------------------------------------- 版権元であるニトロプラス様の規約に則り、製作・頒布しています。