MK/Shadw Sylenth1 Soundset
- 2,000 JPY
MK/Shadw Sylenth1 Soundset
MK (JPN)/Shadw
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MK/Shadw Sylenth1 Soundset LennarDigital社シンセサイザー"Sylenth1"のSoundset集 今までMK (JPN)、Shadw楽曲で使用した音に加え新たに制作した EDM,House,Hardcore,Tranceなど幅広いダンスミュージックシーンに万能な全40音! Soundsets from LennarDigital's "Sylenth1" synthesizer In addition to the sounds used in MK (JPN) and Shadw songs, we created new ones. A total of 40 versatile sounds are recorded for a wide range of dance music scenes such as EDM, House, Hardcore, Trance, etc. ▶Preset Bass BAS 9 preset Gate GAT 1 presets Lead LED 16 presets Pluck PLK 6 presets FX SFX 1 presets Synth SYN 7 presets ※Sylenth1の購入が必要になります ※Sylenth1 ver 3.067以降での使用推奨
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