- 1,500 JPY
悪夢へようこそ -Welcome to the Nightmare- ハードコアクリエイター「RoughSketch」による5thアルバム。 Rayden、Dubscribe、Noizenecio等、国境&枠組みを超えたゲストを迎えて送る最新ハードコアサウンドがここに! CD版ボーナストラックには大人気音楽ゲーム収録中の「Distorted Floor」のExtended Mixを収録。 ※Notebook Recordsからの委託アイテムです。
サークル名:Notebook Records 型番:NBCD-015 タイトル:RoughSketch / PUPPET NIGHTMARE(ラフスケッチ パペットナイトメア) ディスク数:プレスCD1枚組+ブックレット4P 収録トラック数:13トラック 発売日:2014年4月27日(M3-2014春)
【TRACK LIST】 01.RoughSketch feat. DJ PLAGUE / Nightmare Introduction Produced by RoughSketch Voice by DJ PLAGUE 02.RoughSketch feat. Aikapin / Puppet Nightmare Produced and Lyrics by RoughSketch Vocal by Aikapin 03.RoughSketch feat. Dummy / Dullahan Produced and Lyrics by RoughSketch Vocal by Dummy 04.RoughSketch / Neo Criminals(Rayden Remix) Produced by RoughSketch Remixed by Rayden Original track from "BREAKING THE RULES" 05.RoughSketch / Distorted Floor(Extended Mix) Produced by RoughSketch Voice by DD"ナカタ"Metal 06.RoughSketch feat. 楽天斎 / Su5ukino Wa1ker Produced by RoughSketch Lyrics and Vocal by 楽天斎 07.RoughSketch / Fake Star(2014 Re-Master) Produced by RoughSketch 08.RoughSketch / Time is Now(Noizenecio Remix) Produced by RoughSketch Remixed by Noizenecio Original track from "HARDCORE BIBLE -RIGE MUSIC EDITION-" 09.RoughSketch vs XIO / Tokyo Produced by RoughSketch,XIO 10.RoughSketch / Memory Produced by RoughSketch 11.RoughSketch vs Hommarju / Anubis(Dubscribe Remix) Produced by RoughSketch,Hommarju Remixed by Dubscribe Original track from "YATSUZAKI HARDCORE VOLUME 3" 12.RoughSketch / We Still Love Hardcore Produced by RoughSketch 13.RoughSketch feat. DD"ナカタ"Metal / Nights for Devils and Men Produced by RoughSketch Lyrics and Vocal by DD"ナカタ"Metal 【STAFF LIST】 Producer/Director/Mastering/Package Design Notebook Records Guest Creator DJ PLAGUE(Canadian Speedcore Resistance) Rayden(Hardcore Blasters) Noizenecio(Solidbox Records) XIO(Japanese with Force) Dubscribe Aikapin(Notebook Records) Dummy 楽天斎(DYNASTY RECORDS) DD"ナカタ"Metal(Notebook Records) Illustration UME(Illegal Bible)
ダウンロードやCDの取扱状況はコチラからご確認いただけます。 https://notebookrecords.net/discographyportal.php?cdno=NBCD-015 ■RoughSketchアルバム FORGOTTEN GEARS https://iosys.booth.pm/items/662346 ALICE IN VOODOOLAND https://iosys.booth.pm/items/351882 MADDEST CIRCUS SHOW https://iosys.booth.pm/items/203402 PUPPET NIGHTMARE https://iosys.booth.pm/items/203398