Sale period : From 2023-09-24 20:00 JST Until 2023-10-29 23:59 JST
- 三日月宗近Ships within 30 daysOut of StockPhysical (direct)2,800 JPY
- 小狐丸Ships within 30 days1 left in stockPhysical (direct)2,800 JPY
- 石切丸Ships within 30 days1 left in stockPhysical (direct)2,800 JPY
- 大包平Ships within 30 daysOut of StockPhysical (direct)2,800 JPY
- 髭切Ships within 30 daysOut of StockPhysical (direct)2,800 JPY
- 膝丸Ships within 30 days1 left in stockPhysical (direct)2,800 JPY
- 加州清光Ships within 30 daysOut of StockPhysical (direct)2,800 JPY
- 陸奥守吉行Ships within 30 daysOut of StockPhysical (direct)2,800 JPY
- 蜂須賀虎徹Ships within 30 days1 left in stockPhysical (direct)2,800 JPY
- 和泉守兼定Ships within 30 days1 left in stockPhysical (direct)2,800 JPY
- 堀川国広Ships within 30 daysOut of StockPhysical (direct)2,800 JPY
- 大和守安定Ships within 30 daysOut of StockPhysical (direct)2,800 JPY
- 豊前江Ships within 30 days1 left in stockPhysical (direct)2,800 JPY
- 松井江Ships within 30 daysOut of StockPhysical (direct)2,800 JPY
- 桑名江Ships within 30 days1 left in stockPhysical (direct)2,800 JPY
- 五月雨江Ships within 30 daysOut of StockPhysical (direct)2,800 JPY
- 村雲江Ships within 30 days1 left in stockPhysical (direct)2,800 JPY
- 鶴丸国永Ships within 30 days1 left in stockPhysical (direct)2,800 JPY
- 大倶利伽羅Ships within 30 days1 left in stockPhysical (direct)2,800 JPY
- 太鼓鐘貞宗Ships within 30 days1 left in stockPhysical (direct)2,800 JPY
- 燭台切光忠Ships within 30 daysOut of StockPhysical (direct)2,800 JPY
- 実休光忠Ships within 30 daysOut of StockPhysical (direct)2,800 JPY
- にっかり青江Ships within 30 days1 left in stockPhysical (direct)2,800 JPY
- 明石国行Ships within 30 daysOut of StockPhysical (direct)2,800 JPY
- 一文字則宗Ships within 30 daysOut of StockPhysical (direct)2,800 JPY
- 山鳥毛Ships within 30 daysOut of StockPhysical (direct)2,800 JPY
- へし切長谷部Ships within 30 daysOut of StockPhysical (direct)2,800 JPY
- 千子村正Ships within 30 days1 left in stockPhysical (direct)2,800 JPY
- 乱藤四郎Ships within 30 daysOut of StockPhysical (direct)2,800 JPY
- 肥前忠広Ships within 30 days1 left in stockPhysical (direct)2,800 JPY
- 岩融Ships within 30 daysOut of StockPhysical (direct)2,800 JPY
- 今剣Ships within 30 daysOut of StockPhysical (direct)2,800 JPY
- 山姥切国広Ships within 30 daysOut of StockPhysical (direct)2,800 JPY
- 歌仙兼定Ships within 30 daysOut of StockPhysical (direct)2,800 JPY
- 大千鳥十文字槍Ships within 30 days1 left in stockPhysical (direct)2,800 JPY
- 一期一振Ships within 30 daysOut of StockPhysical (direct)2,800 JPY
- 鬼丸国綱Ships within 30 daysOut of StockPhysical (direct)2,800 JPY
- 五虎退Ships within 30 daysOut of StockPhysical (direct)2,800 JPY
- 薬研藤四郎Ships within 30 daysOut of StockPhysical (direct)2,800 JPY
- 山姥切長義Ships within 30 daysOut of StockPhysical (direct)2,800 JPY
- 鶯丸Ships within 30 daysOut of StockPhysical (direct)2,800 JPY
- 亀甲貞宗Ships within 30 daysOut of StockPhysical (direct)2,800 JPY
- 江雪左文字Ships within 30 daysOut of StockPhysical (direct)2,800 JPY
- 宗三左文字Ships within 30 daysOut of StockPhysical (direct)2,800 JPY
- 小夜左文字Ships within 30 daysOut of StockPhysical (direct)2,800 JPY
- 長曽祢虎徹Ships within 30 daysOut of StockPhysical (direct)2,800 JPY
- 千代金丸Ships within 30 daysOut of StockPhysical (direct)2,800 JPY
- 日光一文字Ships within 30 daysOut of StockPhysical (direct)2,800 JPY
- 南泉一文字Ships within 30 daysOut of StockPhysical (direct)2,800 JPY
- 白山吉光Ships within 30 daysOut of StockPhysical (direct)2,800 JPY

*:.。..。.:+・゚ ゜゚・*:.。..。.:+・゚ ゜゚・* 男士が作った花束を髪飾りにして… *:.。..。.:+・゚ ゜゚・*:.。..。.:+・゚ ゜゚・* 刀剣男士が貴方に贈った花束をそのままアクセサリーにした美しく華やかなポニーフックです。 和風イメージで制作していますが、洋服にも合わせやすいデザインです。 着物や浴衣だけではなく、カジュアルからパーティーまで、様々なシーンでお洒落をお楽しみ下さい。 *.゜。:+*.゜。:+*.゜。:+*.゜*.゜。:+*.゜。:+*.゜。:+*.゜ *★*――使い方――*★* お使いのゴムで結わえたところにフックを差し込むだけで、 忙しい朝でもぱっと華やかなお洒落ヘアアレンジをお楽しみいただけます。 *全体の大きさ* 横→3㎝ 縦→5㎝ *材料* ◼︎金メッキ ◼︎ベネチアンガラス ◼︎淡水パール ■樹脂パール ■スワロフスキー ※注意※ ・すべてが手作り品のため、多少の歪み等がある場合がございます。 ・金属は金メッキとなりますので、アレルギーがある場合は医師に相談の上使用してください。 ・デリケートな作品ですので、強い力を加えたり、ひっぱったりしないようご注意ください。 ・発送は平日となります。(土日祝日除く) ・送料は梱包代を含めた定形外郵便となります。 ・複数ご購入頂き、それぞれで決済した場合の送料について。 同梱で送りする場合がございます。その際の送料返金はいたしかねます。ご了承ください。 ❀❀作品は一つ一つ手作りでデザインが異なります。 世界に一つだけのあなただけの宝物になりますように・・・・❀❀
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