[UPDATED] Harold | VRChat Avatar PC+Quest
- 1,300 JPY
A funny little magical cat Uses VRCHAT SDK3 - Avatars. Shader dependency: https://github.com/poiyomi/PoiyomiToonShader/releases - Both PC and Quest ready models. - Animations for facial expressions. - Toggles for the cape and hat! - GoGo Loco
Avatar Performance Stats
(PC) --------------------- GameObjects: 109 (109) Bones: 104 - Good Skinned Mesh Renderers: 3 (3) - Medium Polygons: 7572 (7572) - Excellent Used Material Slots: 3 (3) - Excellent Unique Materials: 2 (2) Shaders: 2 Phys Bone Transforms: 38 (38) - Excellent Phys Bone Colliders: 7 (7) - Good PhysCollider Affected Transforms: 29 (29) - Medium --------------------- Overall Performance: Medium
By purchasing and using this item you agree to these TOU/Rules and that they may change at any point without notification. Harold, the character of which the models are depicting is fully owned by TrixxedHeart. The "model" includes all data created by the creator within the file. ■ Permitted Use - VRChat Avatars - Use for streaming or recording within VRChat - Modifications or "Edits" ■ Prohibited Use - Redistribution. (Regardless if it was modified or not, includes avatar pedestals or uploading publicly) - Absolutely no adult edits or content, the depicted character is under the age of 18. - Making products based upon the depicted character's likeness. - Using these models for religious, political, or anything that may make another uncomfortable or is deemed inappropriate is prohibited. - Claiming that the depicted character is of your own creation. The Creator(TrixxedHeart) of this model may disallow all use of the models if the user violates the terms.