
Alchemist Garden 2 -Birth of Chimaira-

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Alchemist Garden 2 -Birth of Chimaira-
Alchemist Garden 2 -Birth of Chimaira-
Alchemist Garden 2 -Birth of Chimaira-
Alchemist Garden 2 -Birth of Chimaira-
Cannot play
1竜族 [Circle of the Dragons]
2白狼王の牙[Fangs of the Fenrir]
3紫王殿[Lord's Palace of Wrath]
4小さな護衛者[Minor Guardian]
5優雅な生活[Sweet Taste of Elegance]
6東界の古神[Old Friend from Eastside]
7千年の未知[Unsung Millenium]
8偉大な訪問者[The Great Visitor]
9英雌の血[Blood of the Valiant]
10無名の墓標[Tomb of the Unspoken]
11雨の記憶[Memories of the Rain]
12もう一度だけ[Second Wind]
13超えられない壁を[Beyond the Storm]
14星のささやき[Distant Voices]
15めんどくさくてもやるの![No Pain, No Gain]
16架け橋を造る[Bridge over the Waters]
17天空への径[Pathway to Heaven]
18月夜の出来事[Moonlit Incident]
19くもりの日には[On a Cloudly Day]
20陽の当たる場所[Place under the Sun]
21世界樹の花[Flower of Yggdrasill]
22祝福の日[Day of Blessing]
23はじめての世界へ[Steps into the New World]
24大いなる父の虚像 Shadow of the Great Father
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