[follower gift] Elegant Angel Wings
- 0 JPY
These wings are a thank you for all the people who have followed my shop! There's over 100 of you, I can't thank you enough for all the support I've gotten for my wings. This set is COMPLETELY free! It includes a huge set of feather wing textures, the PSD with the lined version of the wings and a merged base for recoloring, and the preset itself! The TOS and help on using these wings is included in a text file
TOS and Help
These assets were created by MightbeMagic / AmbrosiaFae You must credit when used! Twitter: https://twitter.com/ambrosiafae Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ambrosiafaery Terms of Use: You may use these assets in or outside of VRoid Studio for creating avatars of any kind. You may not use these assets in commissions You may not use these assets in commercial work outside of on an avatar for streaming / video / image creation. You may not redistribute these files. Seriously, they're completely free, just link back to the booth page! -> https://mightbemagic.booth.pm/ These terms hold if the download of the file is later removed. To attach these wings correctly to the back of your vroid character, please use this video as reference. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18DId3opl4M It explains the process in Unity To use the hair preset, please rename the folder to match VRoid's naming convention (preset#) otherwise it wont show up! (replace the # with any number)