See Ya Again - EP
- Digital600 JPY

[English version is down below] 【!!!】MusicVket3期間中のみ、"See Ya Again (170 BPM Hardcore Version)"を収録した限定版を特別価格で販売中!【!!!】 「明日また、VRで一緒に遊ぼう」 XTRM RecordsによるEP第二作目。 「また明日皆と会える」をテーマにVRChatで交流を持つ3人が集結。 Ri-nergyが主軸とする"Freeform"からStyleを継承、疾走感と壮大感を全面に出した「Reunite Once More」 H.U.T GiGARの変則的な音とハイスピードな構成で怒涛の展開をみせる「DELIVERY FROM THE PAST」 Xystranによる初のHardstyle、そして今回の代表曲でありEPと同名を有する「See Ya Again」 個性的な面々が織りなす無二のサウンドを見逃すな!! 【!!!】A limited edition including "See Ya Again (170 BPM Hardcore Version)" is available for a special price during MusicVket3 only!!!【!!!】 "See you tomorrow, play with me in VR." The second EP by XTRM Records. With the theme of "See you all again tomorrow", three people who have interacted with each other on VRChat gather together. Inheriting the style from Ri-nergy's mainstay "Freeform Hardcore," "Reunite Once More" has a full-on sense of speed and grandeur. H.U.T GiGAR's "DELIVERY FROM THE PAST" with its anomalous sound and high-speed progression. "See Ya Again", the first hardstyle track by Xystran, and the representative track of this EP with the same name as the EP. Don't miss out on the unique sound of these unique individuals! 【Credit】 Ri-nergy H.U.T GiGAR Xystran Special Thanks: SHIRIA@ kata_Mare Music Video never0200