Stone Bird StudioStone Bird Studio

Rootoo - a new species of virtual avatar

  • Rootoohoo - bird claws
    3,500 JPY
  • Rootoomya - cat paws
    3,500 JPY
  • Rootoo Deluxe - both!
    5,000 JPY
Rootoo - a new species of virtual avatar
Rootoo - a new species of virtual avatar
Rootoo - a new species of virtual avatar
Rootoo - a new species of virtual avatar
Rootoo - a new species of virtual avatar
Rootoo - a new species of virtual avatar
Rootoo - a new species of virtual avatar
Rootoo - a new species of virtual avatar
Rootoo - a new species of virtual avatar
Rootoo - a new species of virtual avatar
Rootoo - a new species of virtual avatar
Rootoo - a new species of virtual avatar
Rootoo - a new species of virtual avatar
Rootoo - a new species of virtual avatar

The Rootoohoo and Rootoomya include:

The Rootoo Deluxe includes: