Free VRoid Rainbow Boots
- Single Layer0 JPY
- Dual Layer0 JPY
- Goodies0 JPY
Hi I really hope you like this new shoes textures for VRoid models. Below you will find how to use the textures. Any questions, feel free to reach me on twitter. There is two version: Single layer and dual layer. -Single layer: you may apply the single layer version textures to the "High Cut Sneakers" preset. -Dual layer: You may apply the textures to the "High Cut Sneakers" preset. Assign twice the preset, one for the Base and the other for the color so you can have more control over the individual color of the two parts. **Find example in the last picture (VRoid screenshot). Make sure that the base texture is applied over the color texture. --------------------------------------------------- Gray textures are better for single color adjustment as in picture #7 --------------------------------------------------- Extra goodies. You can also download a normal map and Matcap if you want to manually apply it using Unity and UniVRM addon so you can have better reflections as in the sample you can find in VRoidHub. -If you will be using the Dual layer version, you may apply the normal map for both the Base texture and Color texture. -Matcap must only be applied to the Color texture when using the dual layer version. When using single layer version you can apply it but you'll get a super glossy result. -Matcap picture I included is the one I tried that looked the better but you can use any of the other color textures. --------------------------------------------------- Previews were taken using VUP and VRoid Studio --------------------------------------------------- You are free to use and/or edit this asset. If you'd like to credit, I appreciate it very much, if not, it's also okay, up to you nwn! Twitter: @NonaFurry