[Vroid 瞳] Tender Eyes
- 150 JPY
Only the iris texture. Works in beta and new vroid models. Based on Collar x Malice characters. Feel free to recolor.
All copyrights of this data belong to Krathia. Regardless of whether it is paid or free, I will assume that you have accepted this agreement when you download it. Yes: -Only when it is not shared with a third party, you can use it freely on websites, video distribution, etc. -VR services. -Personal and personal-commercial use, such as streaming on youtube. Please contact me if you are a corporation. -You can edit this material, change its color, etc. Not allowed: - You cannot share this data with other people/web. - Publish and share, which include allowing avatar for download on VroidHub, if you want to upload a model with this texture, please, put it without download. Thank you for your understanding! Contact information Krathia twitter: @Krathia7
有償無償に関わらず、ダウンロード頂いた時点で、本規約を承諾したものとさせていただきます。 OK: - 第三者に共有されない場合のみ、ウェブサイト、動画配信、その他-VRのサービスなどでご自由にご利用いただけます。 - 個人で商用利用できます。法人の方はご相談ください。 - データの色調整などの加工ができます。 NG: - 他の人・ウェブにデータを - 公開・共有する みんな協力お願いします! お問い合わせ Krathia twitter: @Krathia7