刀剣乱舞 所属国札チャーム 防人作戦 石柱付き 17種
Limited to 6 items per customer
Physical (worldwide shipping)
- 相模国Ships within 3 daysShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)1,000 JPY
- 山城国Ships within 3 daysShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)1,000 JPY
- 備前国Ships within 3 daysShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)1,000 JPY
- 美濃国Ships within 3 days1 left in stockShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)1,000 JPY
- 備後国Ships within 3 daysShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)1,000 JPY
- 周防国Ships within 3 daysShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)1,000 JPY
- 薩摩国Ships within 3 days1 left in stockShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)1,000 JPY
- 大和国Ships within 3 days1 left in stockShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)1,000 JPY
- 備中国Ships within 3 daysShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)1,000 JPY
- 伯耆国Ships within 3 daysShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)1,000 JPY
- 豊後国Ships within 3 daysShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)1,000 JPY
- 石見国Ships within 3 daysShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)1,000 JPY
- 肥前国Ships within 3 daysShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)1,000 JPY
- 武蔵国Ships within 3 daysShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)1,000 JPY
- 越中国Ships within 3 daysShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)1,000 JPY
- 陸奥国Ships within 3 days1 left in stockShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)1,000 JPY
- 肥後国Ships within 3 daysShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)1,000 JPY
Physical (ship to Japan)
- 相模国Ships within 3 daysShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)1,000 JPY
- 山城国Ships within 3 daysShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)1,000 JPY
- 備前国Ships within 3 daysShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)1,000 JPY
- 美濃国Ships within 3 days1 left in stockShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)1,000 JPY
- 備後国Ships within 3 daysShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)1,000 JPY
- 周防国Ships within 3 daysShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)1,000 JPY
- 薩摩国Ships within 3 days1 left in stockShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)1,000 JPY
- 大和国Ships within 3 days1 left in stockShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)1,000 JPY
- 備中国Ships within 3 daysShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)1,000 JPY
- 伯耆国Ships within 3 daysShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)1,000 JPY
- 豊後国Ships within 3 daysShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)1,000 JPY
- 石見国Ships within 3 daysShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)1,000 JPY
- 肥前国Ships within 3 daysShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)1,000 JPY
- 武蔵国Ships within 3 daysShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)1,000 JPY
- 越中国Ships within 3 daysShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)1,000 JPY
- 陸奥国Ships within 3 days1 left in stockShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)1,000 JPY
- 肥後国Ships within 3 daysShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)1,000 JPY

【7/8 肥後国追加】 【4/10 デザインリニューアル】 以前より高品質になりました! ◎本作品は刀剣乱舞二次創作ガイドラインに準じた二次創作グッズです◎ 防人作戦画面の所属国を示すサーバータグイメージのチャームです。 天然縞瑪瑙の石柱付き。 神秘的な青い反射光の合成月長石(模造ムーンストーン)と、三日月の形のオーロラガラスビーズがオススメポイント。 バッグチャームや、ぬいぐるみのお供に、携帯ストラップなどにもお楽しみいただけます。 【サイズ】長さ約7.5cm、札:約4×1.3cm 【素材】 札:ポリスチレン、レジン 石柱:天然縞瑪瑙、合金とメッキ ナスカン/丸カンパーツ:ステンレス&18KGP金メッキ 他:ガラス ※レジンパーツはハンドメイドのため、歪みや気泡や色ムラ、猫毛の混入の可能性は否めません。ご留意ください。 ※石柱は天然石のため、色合いや縞の入り方に個体差があります。 ランダム性をお楽しみください。 ※所属国の追加をご希望の場合、お気軽にお問い合わせください。 ※前のデザインのチャームをお求めの場合、パーツ在庫によっては製作可能ですのでご相談ください。 ※大量購入がありますと、パーツ入手の関係で、仕様変更が発生したり、納期を3週間前後お待ちいただくことがあります。
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