Physical (worldwide shipping)
- Ships within 4 daysShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)2,000 JPY
Physical (ship to Japan)
- Ships within 4 daysShips by Anshin-BOOTH-PackPhysical (direct)2,000 JPY

1 | Brilliant & Shining! - Halv |
2 | Milkyway Railroad Travel - kooridori |
3 | Get Radiant - Aoi |
4 | Wonderland of the comet - Rostel |
5 | Universe Station - seatrus |
6 | ハピネス・プラネタリウム - Halv |
7 | Broom of the NIGHTSKY彡☆☆☆ - レンチンメリケンサック(Mono. × Rostel) |
8 | Aiming for that sky where the meteor shower flows. - kuro |
9 | YOU'RE A SUPERHERO - 打打だいず |
10 | Reach for the stars - Mono. feat.リリカ・ルシャトリエ |
🌠ハピコア流星群🌠 「ハッピーな音ゲーコア」をテーマにアルバムを制作しました✨ それぞれの思い描くハピコアを10曲の流れ星たちに乗せてお届けします🌟 Release:2022/4/24(2022春M3) Circle:コ-14「音ゲー同好会」 長めのクロスフェードはこちら https://soundcloud.com/halvsan/14-202... ☆Composer Halv https://twitter.com/Ha1uday0 Mono. https://twitter.com/Monopowan seatrus https://twitter.com/seatrus Rostel https://twitter.com/Rostel_ kuro https://twitter.com/taikokuro96 打打だいず https://twitter.com/DICE__game kooridori https://twitter.com/kooridori_HF Aoi https://twitter.com/BLUEnoup ☆Illustration 長井りく https://twitter.com/sojyiqui ☆Vocal (Track.10) リリカ・ルシャトリエ https://twitter.com/LyricaLeChat