【アバターの難読化】 VRChat Avatar Obfuscation (AV3Obfuscator)
- Free0 JPY
- Paid500 JPY
AV3Obfuscator is a free and open source software which allows you to obfuscate your VRChat avatars. All obfuscated data will be stored in an extra folder. Your files will not be changed.
What is obfuscation?
Obfuscation means removing all human readable content and replacing it with something random. In case of AV3Obfuscator, all strings or filenames will be obfuscated. Someone who steals your avatar still has an access to your assets (e.g. meshes, materials and textures). But if your avatar is obfuscated, it will be more complicated to work with your data. Someone who wants to see the content of your game object, sees only garbage.
What will be obfuscated?
Following data will be obfuscated by default: ・ Entire transform hierarchy ・ Controllers ・ Avatar (of animator component) ・ Avatar masks ・ Animation clips Optional, following data can be obfuscated: ・ Layers, state machines, states, blend trees ・ VRC expression parameters + menus ・ Parameters (except of reserved VRC parameters) ・ Meshes ・ Blend shapes ・ Materials ・ Textures ・ Audio clips Shaders will not be obfuscated. Additional animators below the hierarchy are not supported.
After downloading the Zip-File use the Unity Package Manager or VRChat Creator Companion to install the package. Additional information can be found on GitHub here: https://github.com/Ess-Ka/EsskaAV3Obfuscator After installation add the AV3Obfuscator component to your root avatar game object. Change the settings based on your needs. Click on 'Obfuscate' before you upload your avatar. Your avatar game object will be copied and all obfuscated data will be stored in the Assets/Obfuscated folder. Depending on amount of files, this process may take some time. Errors will be shown in the console window. After uploading your avatar click 'Clear Obfuscated Data' to remove obfuscated game object and data.
Source code
The source code and documentation of AV3Obfuscator can be found on GitHub here: https://github.com/Ess-Ka/EsskaAV3Obfuscator
・Zip-File, ready to use with Unity Package Manager or VRChat Creator Companion. There is no difference between the Free and Paid version. Select the Paid version if you want to support me.
For support or bug report, join my Discord server: discord.gg/uMbn6EhaSN Or create an issue on the GitHub page: https://github.com/Ess-Ka/EsskaAV3Obfuscator/issues
Update history
2022/06/05 - ver1.00 ・initial release 2022/06/06 - ver1.01 ・fixed an issue, which broke GoGo Loco animations ・added handling for obfuscated parameters used by Phys Bones and Contact Receivers 2022/06/06 - ver1.02 ・excluded VRC proxy animation clips from be obfuscated 2022/09/24 - ver1.03 ・obfuscate RenderTexture on camera components 2023/01/11 - ver2.0.0 ・Installation method: switched to Unity Package Manager (read the notes before installing a new package!) ・Added a foldout for the optional obfuscation and the parameter selection ・PhysBone parameter: preserve the suffix in the parameter names (_IsGrabbed, _Angle, _Stretch) ・ParameterDriver behavior: obfuscate the source parameter for the (new) copy type 2023/04/03 - ver2.0.1 ・fixed obfuscation of animated animator parameters 2023/04/10 - ver2.0.2 ・avoid to obfuscate blend shapes, if obfuscation of it was enabled, but not for mesh 2023/05/28 - ver2.0.3 ・fixed an issue which caused an infinite loop during obfuscation of sub menus ・preserve the _IsPosed suffix on PhysBone parameter names 2023/06/01 - ver2.0.4 ・add an additional null check for obfuscation of parameter drivers ・allow the package to be used also with Avatar SDK 3.2.x 2023/06/02 - ver2.0.5 ・add a checkbox to keep MMD still working 2023/06/15 - ver2.0.6 ・obfuscate animators which are not referenced in the VRC avatar descriptor 2023/06/17 - ver2.0.7 ・add an additional null check 2023/06/19 - ver2.0.8 ・rollback obfuscation of animators which are not referenced in the VRC avatar descriptor ・show an unsupported message instead 2023/07/28 - ver2.1.0 ・changed method of obfuscation for transforms ・removed not important console output ・added option to clear obfuscated data only for the active scene ・added new/missing VRC parameters to exclusion list 2023/08/01 - ver2.1.1 ・fixed an issue which prevented obfuscation when game objects has same names as game objects of the armature hierarchy 2023/09/18 - ver2.1.2 ・fixed an issue which prevented obfuscation when the armature game object was not on first position in hierarchy 2023/12/17 - ver2.1.3 ・fixed obfuscation for high vertex count meshes (2^16) ・added new VRC IsOnFriendsList parameter to exclusion list 2024/05/10 - ver2.1.4 ・added support for VRC animator play audio state behavior ・obfuscate parameter on direct blend tree's 2024/05/11 - ver2.2.0 ・fixed an issue for obfuscation of VRC animator play audio state behavior ・added AvatarVersion parameter to exclusion list ・layers, state machines, states, blend trees will be obfuscated by default ・code refactoring 2024/06/05 - ver2.3.0 ・re-allowed obfuscation of additional animators ・added _Squish as phys bone parameter suffix ・added method descriptions ・code refactoring