FL-1 Utility Flashlight
- Digital0 JPY

Built to last, and built to work. The FL-1 is a simple, but incredible product. A 78 hour battery life with outlets to charge your other appliances, this light will never let you get lost in the dark. Charging station not included. PLEASE NOT THAT IF YOU WANT THE FULL PROPER LOOK YOU WILL HAVE TO BUY THE NORIBEN BEAM ASSET FROM BOOTH! https://booth.pm/en/items/1637978 THIS ITEM IS PAY WHAT YOU WANT! Due to the full package requiring a purchase of another asset I have made this item free to download. Total Polygon count 3,782 Total Material count: 1 (3 with beam) Texture size: 4k (4096x4096) Included is one zip file containing: The fbx file of the flashlight, a folder containing 4k PBR texture files, a unity package that includes two prefabs of the flashlight, two render images of the product.