[無料] OyasumiVR - VR睡眠ソフトウェア (VR Sleeping Utilities)
- 無料0 JPY
- ビール代(中身は同じ)450 JPY
💤 A utility to assist with sleeping in virtual reality. / あなたのVR睡眠をサポートします 💤 Now also available on Steam! / Steamでも購入可能! 本ソフトウェアの最新情報については、以下のページをご参照ください: For up to date information about this software, please refer to the following pages: ◆ English/英語: https://github.com/Raphiiko/OyasumiVR/blob/develop/docs/readmes/generated/README_EN.md ◆ Japanese/日本語: https://github.com/Raphiiko/OyasumiVR/blob/develop/docs/readmes/generated/README_JA.md Other Resources / その他のリソース: ◆ Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2538150/OyasumiVR__VR_Sleeping_Utilities/ ◆ GitHub: https://github.com/Raphiiko/OyasumiVR ◆ Gumroad: https://raphiiko.gumroad.com/l/oyasumi
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