【Unity/VRChat】UPDATED! SnowGun by Raivo
- 800 JPY
UPDATED! - Updated the Particle Systems for Unity 2022 since it broke the Shooting Mode. This is a Prefab ment to put on your Avatar. This Gun has 2 Fire Modes. A Snowball Shot and a Snowcone Idle. It uses a Parent Contstraint, which means you just have to drag the Prefab onto your Avatar (so it is outside the armature), then drag the WristBone in the Constraint on the Prefab, click Zero and Active, then Place the "SnowGun" in the Scene so the Gun fits properly in your Hand. You have to make multiple Toggles for this Gun since you will spawn it, then shoot and also one for the 2nd gun mode, the snowcone. If you have further Questions feel free to ask in my Server or drop me a DM on Discord :) It includes the Shaders, Particles, Textures, Materials, the custom Mesh, Custom made Sound and a Prefab for you to use. -Made in Unity 2022 - Do not Redistribute in any way/form. - Do not use on Public avatars - Do not resell - Do not claim as your work - For Private use only! (no Commercial use) - Particle Shaders, Textures, Meshes and Sounds made by RaivoVFX. - Original Gun Mesh by luigomlop https://skfb.ly/6WRNC - Gun Texture made by Kisu☆#1000 on Discord. Discord Server: https://discord.gg/85EHarq I Hope you like it :)