【Unity/VRChat】UPDATED FREE Firework Hand Particles by Raivo
- 0 JPY
UPDATED! - Updated Shaders and Textures. Shaders have Hue Slider for easy color change. This is a Hand Particles Prefab for Unity/VRChat. Simply drag and drop the Prefab on your Avatar so it is outside the Armature and put the Wristbone in the Constrant, press Zero and Active its done. You can then toggle it however you want. It includes the Shaders, Particles, Textures, Materials and the Prefabs for you to use. -Made in Unity 2022 - Credit me if used - Allowed to use on Public Avatars - Allowed to use on For Sale Models (Commercial use) - Allowed to share - Do not resell on its own - Do not claim as your work Textures and Shaders by RaivoVFX Discord Server: https://discord.gg/85EHarq I Hope you like it :)
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