- 0 JPY
This Is A False Symmetry Live2D Model! It is a basic model with a simple face and hair animation, so it doesn't have any unique animations. Include the original .psd and the .cmo3 files alongside the actual model in case you want to modify/learn how this model was created.
Terms of Service
<<<FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY>>> This model is not to be used or resold for profit. Outside of that feel free to use it for RP, craposting or any personal use you can think of.
How To Use It?
Here are some tutorials on how to add models to popular face-tracking software! Vtube Studio: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aaw379to31w&ab_channel=Strawbeari FaceRig: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hM6HUc0Zdc&t=215s&ab_channel=DreamTrove