【VRoid Stable Ver】 Stitches Texture Set
- Free SetDigital0 JPY
- Combinations SetDigital100 JPY
- Colorful SetDigital150 JPY
- Neutral SetDigital150 JPY
- Full SetDigital200 JPY

【VRoid Stable Ver】 Stitches Texture Set has 5 different packs for those that want a more specific color selection and for those that want all the 288 possible combinations!! This item is inspired by Shin from Dorohedoro
Including: - Dark brown lines with black stitches, merged (only for fingers) **1 TEXTURE TOTAL**
Including: - Peach lines with Blue stitches, merged - Dark Red lines with Black stitches, merged - Yellow lines with Dark Green stitches, merged - Black lines with Ocher stitches, merged - Blue lines with Bright Red stitches, merged - White lines with Pink stitches, merged **6 TEXTURES TOTAL**
Stitches: - Black - White - Gray - Dark Red - Reddish Brown - Ocher - Dark Green - Dark Teal - Navy Blue - Dark Purple Lines: - Black - White - Dark Brown - Brown - Dark Red - Red - Peach - Reddish Peach **18 TEXTURES TOTAL**
Stitches: - Bright Red - Yellow - Orange - Green - Cyan - Blue - Purple - Pink Lines: - Bright Red - Yellow - Orange - Green - Cyan - Blue - Purple - Pink **16 TEXTURES TOTAL**
FULL Set includes all of the above
General information about this item
Model on the cover is using Reddish Peach lines with Black stitches, both from the NEUTRAL Set All textures are for the Body Suit / Body base COLORFUL, NEUTRAL and FULL sets are separated into stitches and lines. FREE and COMBINATIONS have stitches and lines merged into the same layer Item comes with both .png and .vroidcustomitem type of files
Other items on this model
- Iris, scleras, eyeliner and eyelashes: https://luk4.booth.pm/items/4088446
Terms and info
Commercial use available. You can modify this file however you want, but only if you buy any of the paid versions . Do not redistribute. As I only sell digital items, there are no returns nor refunds. If you have any doubt or problem with the files, please contact me. You can request me any custom colors after you made your purchase. You can use my assets on commissions as long as you only use one per model and you credit me as the creator of the item you are using. Credits are appreciated but not required, but don't claim this as yours https://luk4-info.carrd.co/