[3D Model] 🐇Bunny Bag うさぎカバン🐰
- Bunny Bag [Onlybag]350 JPY
- Bunny Bag [Full]400 JPY
Hello, nice to see you guys again. Today, I have a new cute asset to show you 🐇. I hope you guys like it and thank you a lot for supporting me.❤ ★❤★❤★❤★❤★❤★❤★ "The bag only pack comes with bag model only, but if you want other versions like the backpack or crossbody bag, please buy the full version." "このバッグのパックを購入したら、バッグだけもらえます。 バックパックとクロスボディバッグが欲しい場合はフルバージョンを購入してください。" ***Note require Liltoon shader https://booth.pm/en/items/3087170 = Model info = - [Aconite0101] BunnyBag.fbx Vertices : 12,480 Edges : 24,564 Face : 12,146 Triangles : 24,772 - Bunnybag_back.fbx Vertices : 15,384 Edges : 30,364 Face : 15,046 Triangles : 30,572 - Bunnybag_side.fbx Vertices : 13,768 Edges : 27,136 Face : 13,432 Triangles : 27,344 = Term of use = https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTjjN8dN6HRtJoEa5rE07FFJ5mCV7r4bTsHJq4owbVbh55QiEF8aAOUlojgdbVPA_8jhlDHqi0Bjly0/pub = Contact = Discord Server : https://discord.gg/rddHHY9 Twitter : @Aconite0101 = Special thank = - ふみ (For Cute Preview and hand drawing edit !!) ♥ - twitter.com/Cocoa_Vrc (For Preview !!) ♥