Physical (worldwide shipping)
- gray/multicolor XL sizeShips within 7 days1 left in stockPhysical (direct)8,800 JPY
- black x red M sizeShips within 7 daysPhysical (direct)8,800 JPY
- black x red L sizeShips within 7 daysPhysical (direct)8,800 JPY
- black x red XL sizeShips within 7 daysPhysical (direct)8,800 JPY
Physical (ship to Japan)
- black/gray M sizeShips within 7 daysOut of StockPhysical (direct)8,800 JPY
- black/gray L sizeShips within 7 daysOut of StockPhysical (direct)8,800 JPY
- black/gray XL sizeShips within 7 daysOut of StockPhysical (direct)8,800 JPY
- gray/multicolor M sizeShips within 7 daysOut of StockPhysical (direct)8,800 JPY
- gray/multicolor L sizeShips within 7 daysOut of StockPhysical (direct)8,800 JPY
- gray/multicolor XL sizeShips within 7 days1 left in stockPhysical (direct)8,800 JPY
- all black M sizeShips within 7 daysOut of StockPhysical (direct)8,800 JPY
- all black L sizeShips within 7 daysOut of StockPhysical (direct)8,800 JPY
- all black XL sizeShips within 7 daysOut of StockPhysical (direct)8,800 JPY
- black x red M sizeShips within 7 daysPhysical (direct)8,800 JPY
- black x red L sizeShips within 7 daysPhysical (direct)8,800 JPY
- black x red XL sizeShips within 7 daysPhysical (direct)8,800 JPY

Armored mask unit mk21 手に入れるのは、前人未到のスタイル インパクトのある大型バックルがメカニカルな印象を与える 軽量大型モデルの装甲マスク ※購入後のサイズ交換不可 ・布マスクは付属していません。 ・調節可能な固定ひもつき ・水洗い可 ・プリント部は強くこすらないこと ・試作ラボによるハンドメイド製品のため、着色やカットの誤差が発生します "What you get is an unprecedented style" Lightweight large model armored mask with large impact buckle gives a mechanical impression. *Size exchange after purchase is not possible. Do not rub the printed part strongly. Due to handmade by our prototype lab, coloring and cutting errors may occur.
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