「魔剣士レーヴァリッサ」VRChatアバター3.0用3Dモデル Laevarissa The Swordmistress From Hell 3Dmodel for VRChat Avatar3.0
- Laevarissa_v1-24,500 JPY
- 利用規約のみ License only0 JPY
主にPC版VRChat用アバターとしての利用を想定した、セットアップ済み3Dモデルです。 VRChatへのアバターアップロード方法の基本を理解している方向けです。 ※VCCを使わずに当アバターを導入すると一部ギミックが作動しない報告がありまして調査中です。 現状、後述の「使い方」の通りにVCCを利用しての導入をお願いします。 下記の仕様に対応しており、全てPrefab設定済みです。 - ExpressionsMenuによる衣服・装備の着脱 - AvatarDynamicsを利用しジェスチャーで発動する、ParticleSystemやアニメーション・効果音による必殺技等の演出 :Demon sword覚醒演出1種類+技演出5種類+(派生技4種類) - ExpressionsMenuによる表情切り替え15種(一部はHandsignにも設定済) - フルボディトラッキング対応 - VALVE INDEX / Meta Quest 2 / HTC VIVE それぞれのコントローラーで動作確認済 - Eye Look対応 - lipSync対応 - Gesture Layer用のオリジナルのHandsign設定 - PhysBone及びcolliderによる、髪の毛やスカート、マント等の揺れもの設定 - カラースキン5種 - Performance Rankに配慮した機能制限版あり - 素体データあり - 必殺技演出の無効化や効果音の無音化システムあり This is a pre-setup 3D model intended primarily for use as an avatar for the PC version of VRChat. It is intended for those who understand the basics of how to upload avatars to VRChat. *investigating reports that some gimmicks do not work when this avatar is installed without VCC. Currently, please install using VCC as described in the "How to Use" section below. The following specifications are supported, all with Prefab set. - Clothing and equipment removal using ExpressionsMenu - Special moves and other effects using ParticleSystem, animation, and sound effects, triggered by gestures using AvatarDynamics. Awakening of Demon sword 1 type + 5 types of techniques + (4 types of derivative techniques) - 15 types of facial expressions that can be switched by ExpressionsMenu (some of them are already set in Handsign). - Full body tracking support - Confirmed to work with VALVE INDEX / Meta Quest 2 / HTC VIVE controllers. - Eye Look support - Supports lipSync - Original Handsign setting for Gesture Layer - Swaying hair, skirt, cape, etc. settings by PhysBone and collider. - 5 color skins - Limited-function Edition with consideration for Performance Rank - Body data available - Special moves can be disabled and sound effects can be muted. A more detailed explanation can be found at the end of the Japanese text. Video that I tried to make it go round and round https://www.youtube.com/shorts/F_tqh0VmZh4
★☆★ 試着用Worldあります ★☆★
試着用World「霊王騎士教会」でお試しいただけます。 Trial avatars is here. https://vrchat.com/home/world/wrld_bef8cf7f-e314-4162-8f11-26c441bb48d4 Web上の3Dビュアーも用意しました。スマホでも見ることができます。 https://skfb.ly/oLNLo カメラ回転させたりズームしたり、VRビューもできます。 この3Dビュアーは、商品に含まれているマテリアル設定とは別のシェーダーで描画されているので、陰の見え方などに若干違いがあります。 こちらは参考までに見ていただき、購入の検討の際は上記のVRChat内Worldのアバター試着をおすすめ致します。 製作工程はTwitterで公開しております。 The production process is available on Twitter. https://twitter.com/scramasax/status/1536367320721162240
■■■ Edition一覧とPerformance Rank ■■■
- 完全武装版 [Full-Armed Edition] 全ての装備を使用・着脱可能。AvatarDynamicsによる9種類の必殺技等の演出が全て搭載されたEdition。 Performance Rankを気にしない方はこちら。 △Poligons:86599 / Material Slots:44 / Particle Systems:17 - 機能制限版:魔剣士[Limited-Function Edition:Swordmistress] Performance Rankを「Poor」に抑えたい方はこちら。 剣に関わるギミックのみを搭載し、Particleによる若干演出が控えめなEdition。 服は武装状態~篭手ありの軽装状態までExMenuで選択可能。脱衣不可。 カラースキンは「背徳の昏き炎」「夜天の霹靂」のみ。 △Poligons:65457 / Material Slots:32 / Particle Systems:11 - 機能制限版:魔弩手[Limited-Function Edition:Boltwitch] Performance Rankを「Poor」に抑えたい方はこちら。 クロスボウに関わるギミックのみを搭載したEdition。 服はマントありの軽装~脱衣状態までExMenuで選択可能。鎧は着用不可。 カラースキンは「背徳の昏き炎」「夜天の霹靂」のみ。 △Poligons:55638 / Material Slots:20 / Particle Systems:6 ※PerformanceRankの判定結果は2023/5/13現在のものです。
■■■ 使い方 ■■■
1.VRChat Creator Companion(VCC)を導入後、新規で「Avatars」の Projectを作成してください。 2.本商品に同梱したシェーダー「lilToon」のUnityPackageを読み込ませてください。 3.本商品「Laevarissa_v○-○.unitypackage」を読み込ませてください。 4.お好みのPrefabをアバターとしてアップロードすればお使いいただけます。 Prefabは [ assets > Laevarissa > _Prefab ] にあります。 または [ assets > Laevarissa > LaevarissaSampleScene]からPrefab全種を一覧できます。 VRChatアバターとしてのアップロード、改変、一部パーツのみの利用、自作Worldのオブジェクトとしての利用等が可能。 詳しくは同梱されている利用規約をご参照ください。
■■■ 必殺技一覧■■■
覚醒した魔剣〈ブラッディウィドウ〉による必殺技。 - フルムーンスラッシュ [Fullmoon Slash] 円形に広がる衝撃波による全方位斬撃 発動方法:魔剣覚醒状態で「右手をHandgun以外」にして表刃で水平斬りをする。 ※刃筋を立てて真横に斬ること。左から右に斬るほうがやりやすい。斬るスピードはそれほど必要ありません。 難易度★☆☆ - ブラッディスピア [Bloody Spear] 地に注がれた魔力が血塗られた槍となって突き上げる。 発動方法: 1.魔剣覚醒状態で地面に剣を真っ直ぐ突き立てる。 2.地面に流れ込むエネルギーの流れを確認後、標的方向に顔を向けてから「裏刃」で斬るように刃筋を立てて剣を振り上げる。 ※手やコントローラーをVRゴーグルにぶつけないようにご注意ください 難易度★☆☆ - サテライトスウィープ [Satellite Sweep] 投擲した剣を周回させて周囲を薙ぎ払う。 発動方法:魔剣覚醒状態で「右手をHandgun」しながら「裏刃」で水平斬りをする。 ※右から左に斬るほうがやりやすい。斬るスピードはそれほど必要ありません。 難易度★★☆ - ヴォルカニックスラスト [Volcanic Thrust] 高指向性の魔力噴出による必殺の刺突。 発動方法:魔剣覚醒状態で剣を真っ直ぐ突き出す。発動の瞬間に発声すると威力が倍増する。 ※腕全体を使って大きく、ブレることなく真っ直ぐ突くこと。突くスピードはそれほど必要ありません。 難易度★★★ - ブラッディスピア・ヘル [Bloody Spear Hell] 地に注がれた魔力が血塗られた槍となって周囲全体に突き上げる。 発動方法: 1.魔剣覚醒状態で地面に剣を真っ直ぐ突き立てる。 2.地面に流れ込むエネルギーの流れを確認後、剣を地面に向かって突き刺す。 ※コントローラーを床にぶつけないようにご注意ください 難易度★★★ - 連射 [Rapid Fire] 魔法による高速装填で矢を毎秒6発発射する。 発動方法:ボウを展開した状態で「Fist」または「Thumbs UP」し続ける。 - 超連射 [Super Rapid Fire] 装填速度を限界まで高め、矢を毎秒12発(左右合計で24発)発射する。 発動方法:左右のボウを両方持ってそれぞれ連射状態を保ちながら、腕を伸ばして頭の高さでボウ2丁を上下に重ね合わせるように構える。 ※肘を真っ直ぐ伸ばして体から離すように構えること。ポーズを変えるか、右または左どちらかの射撃を終了することで技の発動が終了する。 - デモンズ・ロンド [Demons Rondo] 踊るように回転しながら水平全方向に超連射をする。 発動方法:左右のボウを両方持ってそれぞれ連射状態を保ちながら、Tポーズを取るように左右の腕を大きく広げる。 右または左どちらかの射撃を終了することで技の発動が終了する。 - トリックショット [Trick Shot] 魔力を込められた矢が赤い軌跡を描き、障害物に当たっても跳弾して飛び続ける。 発動方法:左右のボウを両方持ってそれぞれ連射状態を保ちながら、視界前方の腰の位置で両手を交差させて射撃する。 ※武器や必殺技演出を他プレイヤーに向けるときは、冗談が通じる相手を選びましょう!
■■■ 製品コンセプト ■■■
【キャラクターコンセプト】 それは魔法技術の黎明期に盛んとなった、今となっては口にすることさえも憚られる禁呪―― 「地獄の門」より召喚した「悪魔」達を互いに戦わせて喰わせ合い、生き残った悪魔同士をさらに喰わせ合う外法。 最後に生き残った悪魔は魔術師により服従の首輪を嵌められて自我を奪われ、戦場に送り込まれる。 人間が使役する悪魔同士による代理戦争……それは当時の国家の序列を決める最大の要因となっていた。 この女もまた、その禁呪を繰り返し、繰り返し、繰り返し続けた地獄の血溜まりに生まれ落ちた魔人である。 彼女は自らの存在証明を果たそうとするかのように、来る日も来る日も自分と境遇を同じくする敵国の悪魔を相手に戦い続けていたが…… やがて自我を取り戻し、そして悟った。かつて異界で暮らしていた自分や同胞を身勝手に召喚した上に「悪魔」と呼び習わして蔑み、 この地獄のような戦乱を生み出した「人間」の方がよほど「悪」そのものではないか……と。 ――その後の顛末は、歴史的常識として皆も知っての通りである。 この度制作されたアバターは、後に魔王とも呼ばれた彼女、「レーヴァリッサ」が 若き日、悪魔狩りの魔剣士として活躍していた頃の姿を再現すべく、制作されたものである。 ※キャラクター設定は製品のイメージを膨らませるための一助として用意しているものであり、 購入者の利用用途を制限するものではありません。 利用規約の範囲内で、自由な発想でご利用ください。 「自由な発想」の例: 頭部の挿げ替え改変→大歓迎! 装備品やパーティクルなど一部パーツのみの利用→大歓迎! キャラクターのイメージを著しく損なう改変→大歓迎! 自作Worldのオブジェクトとしての利用→大歓迎!
■■■ Copyright ■■■
【制作権利者】 scramasax VRChat: scramasax Twiter: @scrama_sax Webサイト: https://scrama.net/ 販売サイト: https://scramasax.booth.pm/
■■■ 更新履歴 Update LOG ■■■
■■■ v1-2 2024/12/9 ■■■ 各所のUnity ConstraintをVRC Constraintに変換しました。 Converted the Unity Constraints in various locations to VRC Constraints. ■■■ v1-1 2023/5/14 ■■■ "Nocturnal_Thunderbolt_v1-0[Swordmistress]"をPerformanceRank:Poorでアップできるように調整 Adjusted "Nocturnal_Thunderbolt_v1-0[Swordmistress]" to be up at PerformanceRank:Poor ■■■ v1-0 2023/5/13 ■■■ 販売開始 Start of sales
====== Edition List and Performance Rank ======
- 完全武装版 [Full-Armed Edition] All equipment can be used and removed, and all 9 special moves and other effects by AvatarDynamics are included in this edition. If you don't care about Performance Rank, click here. △Poligons:86599 / Material Slots:44 / Particle Systems:17 - 機能制限版:魔剣士[Limited-Function Edition:Swordmistress] This edition is for those who want to keep the Performance Rank at "Poor". This is an edition with only gimmicks related to the sword and a little less performance from the Particle. Clothing can be selected from the ExMenu from armed to lightly armed with a basket. Clothing cannot be removed. Only [Apostate of Darkflame] and [Nocturnal Thunderbolt] are available as color skins. △Poligons:65457 / Material Slots:32 / Particle Systems:11 - 機能制限版:魔弩手[Limited-Function Edition:Boltwitch] If you want to keep the Performance Rank at "Poor", click here. This edition features only gimmicks related to the Crossbow. Clothing can be selected by ExMenu from light clothing with cloak to undressed state. Armor cannot be worn. Only [Apostate of Darkflame] and [Nocturnal Thunderbolt] are available as color skins. △Poligons:55638 / Material Slots:20 / Particle Systems:6 *PerformanceRank determination results are current as of 5/13/2023.
====== How to use ======
1. After installing VRChat Creator Companion (VCC), create a new "Avatars" Project. 2. Load the shader "lilToon" UnityPackage included in this product. 3. Load the "Laevarissa_vxx-xx.unitypackage" of this product. 4. Upload your favorite Prefab as avatar and you can use it. Prefab can be found at [ assets > Laevarissa > _Prefab ]. Or [ assets > Laevarissa > LaevarissaSampleScene ] for a list of all Prefab types. Can be uploaded as a VRChat avatar, modified, only some parts can be used, or used as an object in your own World. For details, please refer to the included License.
====== Explanation of special moves ======
[Demon sword gimmick] - Hold the sword in your hand: Grab the right hand at the occipital or temporal position. - Put away your sword: "Hand Open" the right hand at the occipital or temporal position. - Demon sword Awakening: With the sword in your hand, make a slashing motion on the "front edge" side. One lock is released for each cut. When three locks are removed, a pillar of fire will burst out and the Demon sword will awaken. *Slash with a large motion to make the blade streak. Slashing speed is not so necessary. - Fullmoon Slash Omni-directional slash by shock wave spreading in a circle. The right hand is set to "other than Handgun" and a horizontal slash is made with the front edge while the Demon sword is awakened. *Slash with a large motion to make the blade streak.It is easier to cut from left to right. Cutting speed is not so necessary. Difficulty★☆☆ - Bloody Spear The magical power poured into the ground becomes a bloody spear and thrusts up. 1. While the sword is in the state of Demon sword awakening, thrust the sword straight at the ground. 2. Turn your head in the direction of the target and raise the sword with the blade in the direction of the target, as if slashing with the back edge. *Please be careful not to hit your hand or controller against the VR goggles Difficulty★☆☆ - Satellite Sweep The sword is thrown in a circular motion to reap the surrounding area. While the right hand is "Handgun" with the Demon sword awakened, it slashes horizontally in the direction of the back edge. *It is easier to slash from right to left. It does not require much slashing speed. Difficulty★★☆ - Volcanic Thrust A deadly stabbing thrust with a highly directional magic eruption. The sword is thrust straight out in the state of Demon sword awakening. If you vocalize at the moment of activation, the power is doubled. *Use the whole arm to thrust large and straight without blurring. It is not necessary to thrust very fast. Difficulty★★★ - Bloody Spear Hell The magical power poured into the ground becomes a bloody spear and shoots up the entire surrounding area. 1. While the Demon sword is awakened, sword down straight into the ground. 2. After confirming the flow of energy into the ground, thrust the sword toward the ground. *Please be careful not to hit the controller against the floor Difficulty★★★ [Crossbow gimmicks] - Grab and deploy the Crossbow Grab the Crossbow attached to the thigh with the right or left hand. The folded Crossbow can be deployed by raising it higher than the chest. *There are two Crossbows, one for the right hand and one for the left hand. *It can also be changed to grip with "FingerPoint" or "Handgun" in the settings. - Put away the Crossbow: In the holster position, which is attached to the thigh, "Hand Open" the hand holding the bow. - Rapid Fire It fires 6 arrows per second with a high speed loading by magic. Keep "Fist" or "Thumbs UP" with the bow deployed. - Super Rapid Fire The bow fires 12 arrows per second (24 total for the left and right bows) with the loading speed increased to the limit. Hold both the left and right bows in a "Rapid Fire" with arms extended so that the two bows are stacked vertically at head height. *The elbows should be held straight out and away from the body. The technique is terminated by changing poses or completing either the right or left shot. - Demons Rondo "Super Rapid Fire" all horizontal directions while rotating as if dancing. Hold both the left and right bows and spread the left and right arms wide as if in a T-pose while keeping each in a ”Rapid Fire” state. *The activation of the technique is terminated by completing either the right or left shot. - Trick Shot The bolt, imbued with magic power, draws a red trajectory and continues to fly, ricocheting even when it hits an obstacle. Holding both the left and right bows and keeping each in a "Rapid Fire" state, you shoots with your hands crossed at the waist position in front of field of vision. ---------------------------------------- *When pointing a weapon or special move at another player, choose someone who can take a joke!
====== Product Concept ======
- Character Concepts It was a forbidden curse that flourished at the dawn of magical technology, but that people are now afraid to even speak of. In this method, demons summoned from the Gates of Hell were made to fight and feed on each other, and then the surviving demons were made to feed on each other even more. The last surviving demon is placed in a collar of submission by a sorcerer, its ego is taken away, and it is sent to the battlefield. The proxy wars between demons used by humans ...... were the biggest factor in determining the ranking of nations at the time. This woman, too, is a demon born in a pool of hellish blood who has repeated and repeated and repeated that forbidden curse. As if trying to prove her own existence, she continued to fight day after day against demons from enemy countries who shared her circumstances, but ...... Eventually, she regained her self-will and realized. Humans selfishly summoned me and my compatriots who used to live in the other world into theirs. They had called us "demons" and despised us. If that is the case, then the "humans" who created this hellish warfare are even more "evil" themselves. ...... --The rest of the story is well known to all of us as historical common sense. The avatar created this time is that of "Laevarissa," who was later also called the Demon King. The avatar was created to recreate her appearance when she was active as a demon swordmistress in her younger days. - Sealed Sword[IronMaiden] As the name suggests, this is a holy sword engraved with a relief depicting a maiden wearing a veil. Its heavy appearance gives the impression of a blunt weapon rather than a sword. But its essence can be described as a "scabbard. When the sword is freed from its iron robe after blood has been drawn, it reveals the true nature of the demon that has been sealed inside it. Demon sword[Bloody Widow ] Also known as "Bloody Widow" or "Flame Tongue" or "Blood Burner", the cursed demon sword that broke the cage...... To be precise, it is a "demon in the form of a sword". The Demon sword Bloody Widow is a demon sword that tempts the wielder to the battlefield. It tempts those who take it in their hands to the battlefield, and with its crimson blade, it sips the blood of humans and breathes the fire of a cursed demon, and goes on the rampage. Because of its danger, it was sealed inside the "Sealed Sword Iron Maiden" by human hands, Laevarissa has freed it and made it her one and only partner. - Crossbow A small, collapsible Crossbow, suspended from leg holsters on both thighs when not in use. It has an effective anti-personnel range of approximately 30 meters, and a maximum range of approximately 250 meters when fired at a 45-degree angle of elevation. Laevarissa has instrumentalized this mundane weapon (combining several smaller magics) to make it an "Enchanted Loadfire Crossbow". It summons the bolt, loads it, winds the string, and fires in parallel at high speed, firing six shots per second in an inexhaustible barrage. She also holds two of them in both hands, as if she were calling for a rain of fire to fall on hell. ---------------------------------------- *The characterization is provided as an aid in developing an image of the product, They are not intended to restrict the purchaser's use of the product. Please use them freely within the scope of the Terms of Use. If you do any cool mods, show me! You can modify it so that there is no trace of it.
====== Copyright ======
[copyright holder] scramasax VRChat: scramasax Twiter: @scrama_sax Web site: https://scrama.net/ Sales Site: https://scramasax.booth.pm/ I don't speak English, but if you send me a sentence, I can give you a simple reply. I don't think I can provide complicated support. Sorry. I hope you will enjoy this product.