【VRChat】 UI Selector (Select object to enable)
- 0 JPY
# Contents Selected object will be enabled, others will be disabled. # Requirements ( 필수조건, 必須要件 ) 1. VRCSDK3 + UdonSDK 2. Udon Sharp # Manual https://docs.google.com/document/d/1awosQywfGc_OpqYK3-MVOrNsOpQDF1NnJw1iojj5O6U/edit?usp=sharing # Sample World https://vrchat.com/home/world/wrld_f1b7933a-1dbf-4bcc-aa31-8a1e9e054cf2 # Notice このパッケージと内容物は再配布しないでください。 内容は自由に修正できます。 Please do not redistribute this package and any of its contents. You can freely modify its contents for yourself. 이 패키지와 내용물은 재배포하지 말아주세요. 내용물은 자유롭게 수정하실 수 있습니다.