BiviRibbonMy Pikaリボン白Ships within 7 daysOut of StockPhysical (direct)1,000 JPYRequest Restock Notice MailUnrequest Restock Notice Mail黄色Ships within 7 daysOut of StockPhysical (direct)1,000 JPYRequest Restock Notice MailUnrequest Restock Notice Mail茶色Ships within 7 daysOut of StockPhysical (direct)1,000 JPYRequest Restock Notice MailUnrequest Restock Notice Mail赤Ships within 7 daysOut of StockPhysical (direct)1,000 JPYRequest Restock Notice MailUnrequest Restock Notice MailピンクShips within 7 daysOut of StockPhysical (direct)1,000 JPYRequest Restock Notice MailUnrequest Restock Notice Mail青Ships within 7 daysOut of StockPhysical (direct)1,000 JPYRequest Restock Notice MailUnrequest Restock Notice Mail緑Ships within 7 daysOut of StockPhysical (direct)1,000 JPYRequest Restock Notice MailUnrequest Restock Notice Mail紫Ships within 7 daysOut of StockPhysical (direct)1,000 JPYRequest Restock Notice MailUnrequest Restock Notice MailピカチュウカラーShips within 7 daysOut of StockPhysical (direct)1,000 JPYRequest Restock Notice MailUnrequest Restock Notice MailAbout GiftMy Pikachu(マイピカチュウ)にピッタリなリボンです。 マイピカ以外のピカチュウのぬいぐるみにも♪ シュシュになっているので、首や耳などにつけられます。 カニカンでチャーム取り外し可能、マイピカチュウのタグを付ける事も出来ます。 ※ピンクのリボンのシュシュは濃いピンクとなります。BiviRibbonGoods (Other)Out of StockパープルハロウィンリボンBiviRibbon600 JPYGoods (Other)1 left in stockパルデアトレーナーズリボンBiviRibbon900 JPY~Goods (Other)1 left in stockシャリタツイメージリボンBiviRibbon900 JPYGoods (Other)Out of Stockパルデア御三家イメージリボンBiviRibbon900 JPYGoods (Other)Out of StockパモイメージリボンBiviRibbon1,000 JPY~Goods (Other)Out of Stockハロウィンのお気に入りリボンBiviRibbon600 JPYGoods (Other)1 left in stockちいかわイメージリボンBiviRibbon900 JPYGoods (Other)1 left in stockマスターズエイトリボンBiviRibbon900 JPYGoods (Other)Out of Stock産地直送新鮮やさいリボンBiviRibbon400 JPY~Goods (Other)Out of Stock私の推しリボンBiviRibbon700 JPY~Goods (Other)Out of Stockタイプ:ゴーストリボンBiviRibbon900 JPYGoods (Other)Out of Stock推し色リボンBiviRibbon800 JPYGoods (Other)Out of Stockブイズリボン(シンプルver)BiviRibbon800 JPYGoods (Other)Out of StockヒスイゾロアイメージリボンBiviRibbon800 JPY~Goods (Other)Out of StockいちごのおきにリボンBiviRibbon800 JPYGoods (Other)Out of StockブイズイメージリボンBiviRibbon900 JPY~Goods (Other)1 left in stockキミにきめた!リボンBiviRibbon800 JPYGoods (Other)1 left in stockヒスイな御三家リボンBiviRibbon800 JPYGoods (Other)Out of StockゆめかわあいぼうリボンBiviRibbon400 JPYGoods (Other)Out of StockフリルリボンBiviRibbon800 JPYSee More