Fairly's FairBear
- 5,000 JPY
Unveiling my first model for sale, the FairBear! This is a highly customizable avatar base, currently targeted for VRChat on PC. Not currently compatible with Quest.
Required Unity Stuff
VRC Creator Companion VRCFury Poiyomi 8.1+ (free)
What It's Got
~30 Body Related Blendshapes for lots of customization including fat/skinny, tail options, and species blending! 9 Expressions plus combos Full Visemes and MMD support Expression Menu with Clothing Toggles, Brightness Slider, and Custom Coloring options
What It Comes With
Unity Project with Prefabs for each species Blend File for further editing Substance Painter files for the body and clothing
I know I can't stop all exploitation of my model from happening, but I do ask that when you buy this model, that you please follow these rules. Do not upload this publicly - there's a public model out there already meant to showcase its features. Don't resell this model or its props/clothing, even if it has heavy revisions. Edit and revise this model as much as you'd like! Use it for streaming, renders, other social platforms, etc If you break these TOS, I will blacklist you from this Gumroad, and I will be sad.
No Refunds
This is a digital product, so once you've downloaded it, you've got it. If you're unhappy with or need help with the project, let me know at fairlymanaged@gmail.com, and I will do my best to help you out.