【Live2D model】maid cat girl
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■Rules of use 1. It can be used for profitable live broadcast activities on Bilibili or other live broadcast websites. 2. The model can be modified or recreated, but insulting modifications to the model are prohibited. 3. It is strictly forbidden to repost, resell models, etc. 4. If the user uses the model to cause adverse effects on the society, the author is not responsible for it. 5. When using the live broadcast of the model, please mark the original painting and modeling of the model. 6. After downloading the model, please click the favorite. <Producer introduction> ■Bilibili https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1vj411A7T9/?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0&vd_source=15b22215ddc1c4672c08a554e0c0462d ■Twitter ・空的别看了 (illustrator) https://twitter.com/kongdebiekanl ・十九_一号机 (Live2D) https://twitter.com/nineteen_N1 【From google translate】