[Sold Out]1000人記念トーク/ムービー[期間限定](1,000 subscribe Commemorative Talk/Movie)[Limited time]
- 0 JPY
おかげさまでYoutubeご登録者さん1000人 ありがとうございます 記念トークはお話 ムービーはCM用に作ってみた自分の紹介です(あんまり使わなかったけどこの先どこかで使うかも) ぜひ楽しんでね ご感想もお待ちしています ------------------------------------------------------------ What a surprise! Thanks to your support, we have 1,000 Youtube subscribers! Thank you very much! The commemorative talk is a story. The movie is an introduction of myself that I made for a commercial (I didn't use it much, but I might use it somewhere down the road). I hope you enjoy it, and I look forward to your feedback. This may be a limited time offer, so don't delay!
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