[Jp/En]骨董屋の生人形:キャラクターズ#1 Characters#1: A living doll in an antique shop
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両親を亡くし骨董屋の女主人に引き取られた少年、玻璃(はり)はなぜか蔵で一人で食事を取る……生きていると見紛う美しい人形に話しかける少年、そのとき人形が動き出し、「あなたの望むものになってあげるわ」と言う…… 新しい環境に馴染めない孤独な少年が、生き人形に望むものは何か。 pdfファイル、モノクロまんが本編40頁。同内容の英語版を含むため総頁数は2倍になっています。 第23回いっせい配信「創作同人2023年11月」参加作品
[English edition included in the second half] Hari, a boy who lost his parents and was taken in by a lady who is an owner of an antique shop, somehow finds himself eating alone in a storehouse....He talks to a beautiful doll that looks like it is alive. And then the doll starts to move and say, "I can be anything you desire".... What does a lonely boy want from a living doll? pdf file, 40 pages of monochrome manga. Kanji characters have furigana for Japanese language learners. This is Japanese style manga, so goes from right to left.