【FREE/無料】Maid outfit / メイド服「Vroid」
- Digital0 JPY

This is a custom item for Vroid studio. In case you're not sure how to use custom items, please read this article: https://vroid.pixiv.help/hc/en-us/articles/7467455312409 Credit IS necessary. You CANNOT use this outfit to participate in any competitions held by Vroid. Please make sure you read Terms of Use before downloading. By downloading, you are agreeing to my Terms of Use. Terms of Use are subject to change. The most recent version will apply. Copyright will not be transfered. ダウンロード前に利用規約を必ずお読みください。ダウンロードされた時点で利用規約に同意されたものとみなします。 利用規約の内容はいつでも作成者が変更することを可能とし、最新のものが適用されます。 著作権譲渡はしません。
Maid dress.vroidcustomitem Black textures Blue textures Pink textures TOU.txt Preview.png
Terms of Use
ALLOWED •equipping personal avatars with this asset (so long as you don't let anyone else download them) •streaming and making videos with avatars equipped with this asset •data modification •personal non-profit commercial use NOT ALLOWED ✕reselling (even after modification) ✕redistribution (even after modification) ✕claiming authorship (even after modification) ✕transfering this asset to anyone else (this includes models equipped with this item) ✕defamation or slander of others ✕any form of redistribution of parts and textures extracted from this item ✕use in political, religious or illegal activities ✕NFT use ✕corporate use
OK •自分以外の他の人がダウンロードできない状態でのSNSでの着用 •動画や配信での使用 •改変 •個人での非営利目的での商用利用 NG ✕販売 (改変後でも) ✕配布 (改変後でも) ✕自作発言(データ改変後も不可) ✕データを第三者に渡したり (このアイテムを着用したモデルも含めて) ✕他人へ迷惑をかける行為 ✕抜き出したパーツの販売、譲渡 ✕政治、宗教、反社会的活動 ✕NFTでの利用 ✕法人利用