Acid Paint Textures | Acid Rusk ラスク | Costume (テクスチャ)
- 200 JPY
Acid Rusk textures include: - Full and Overlay textures for Rusk. Includes hair and clothes. - Additional tiling textures (red, green, blue). Place on any avatar! - Original Photoshop files for easy edits. - Comes in Red, Green, and Blue. (And bonus rainbow gradient textures for Rusk only!) Rusk model not included. Purchase Rusk here:
=== Acid Rusk Costumes - Poiyomi Toon.unitypackage === Unitypackage contains materials which use the full textures (explained below). First, import the Poiyomi Toon shader, then import this package. You can drag the materials onto your Rusk. Or you can manually set up your custom materials with the textures mentioned below. === Full Textures === These are full costume textures, including acid pattern and a simple custom base colour. Set these as the colour texture for your Rusk materials. === Overlay Textures === These contain the acid pattern only. Use an image editor to place this texture on top of an existing Rusk texture. For example, place them on top of the default textures (not included in this pack). === Pattern Textures === A transparent tiling pattern which is used to make the other textures. It can be used to make an Acid texture for any other avatar. == PSD === Original Photoshop files of the textures. Each file contains all colour variations for the texture. It can be used to apply custom gradients to the textures, or edit them however you'd like. Original Rusk textures are not included but I would recommend adding them as a bottom layer. == Extras === Bonus textures. Currently includes sample gradient textures.
Allowed: * You may use on any avatar. * You may modify for private use. * You may upload avatars or worlds using these textures for private and public non-commercial use to social platforms (VRChat, etc.) Prohibited: * You may not use for commercial purposes unless given explicit permission from the author. * You may not redistribute any of the source files, original or modified. * You may not redistribute files created using the included files.