- Digital0 JPY

きまぐれで作った配信予定表です。 お役に立てれば幸いですー! すべてPNGファイルで、背景と手前の予定のバーをわけました。 キャラを間に挟みたい方はどうぞ! キャラを間にはさんで動く予定表をつくるのも楽しいですよ! ※商用利用可能、編集も可能です。ご自由にお使いください。 自作発言は禁止です。著作権は放棄していません。 詳しい利用規約は下記URLに記載しています。 ご利用の際は下記URL記載の利用規約に同意したものとみなします。 【 https://lita-art.square.site/terms-of-sale 】 ご利用にあたってはクレジットを表記していただけると嬉しいですが絶対ではありません。 なのですが宣伝していただけるとめちゃくちゃうれしいです。 よろしくお願いします!ご支援いただけると活動の励みになります!とても!無料のアイテムがうれしくて増えちゃうかもしれません! Here is the streaming schedule I made on a whim. I hope it's helpful for you! All files are in PNG format, with the background and foreground schedule bar separated. Feel free to insert characters in between! Creating a moving schedule with characters in between can also be fun! I'm creating a supported version, but the content is exactly the same as the free one. It's for those generous supporters who want to cheer for Lita ★ ※ Commercial use is allowed, and editing is possible. Please feel free to use it. Claiming it as your own work is prohibited. Copyrights are not waived. Detailed terms of use are provided at the following URL. By using this, you are deemed to have agreed to the terms of use stated at the following URL: [ https://lita-art.square.site/terms-of-sale ] While it's not mandatory, I would appreciate it if you could credit. However, I would be extremely happy if you could promote it. Thank you very much! Your support is highly appreciated and motivates me to continue my activities! I might get overly excited and create even more free items!