Avatar Toe Addon for VRChat [Modular Avatar, トー, フィート, フィズボーンズ]
- | 竜胆 / Rindo | Preset |1,600 JPY
- | マヌカ / Manuka | Preset |1,600 JPY
- | 右近 / UkonV2 | Preset |1,600 JPY
- | 桔梗 / Kikyo | Preset |1,600 JPY
- | セレスティア / Selestia | Preset |1,600 JPY
- | ゾメちゃん / Zome-chan | Preset |1,600 JPY
- | 舞夜 / Maya | Preset |1,600 JPY
- | シフォン / Chiffon | Preset |1,600 JPY
- | ライム / Lime | Preset |1,600 JPY
- | カリン / Karin | Preset |1,600 JPY
- | ラスク / Rusk | Preset |1,600 JPY
- | ミルク / Milk | Preset |1,600 JPY
- | ミント / Mint | Preset |1,600 JPY
- | イヨ / Eyo | Preset |1,600 JPY
- | イメリス / Imeris | Preset |1,600 JPY
- | 瑞希 / Mizuki | Preset |1,600 JPY
- | メリノ / Merino | Preset |1,600 JPY
- | ペルラ / Perula | Preset |1,600 JPY
- | ルフィナ / Rufina | Preset |1,600 JPY
- | UltimateKissMa | Preset |1,600 JPY
- | ここあ / Kokoa | Preset |1,600 JPY
VKET / Holiday Sale with up to 20% OFF! 2000 JPY -> 1600 JPY Will last till 2nd January 2025! --- ⚠ ⚠ ⚠ ⚠ ⚠ This has only been tested for the latest releases of each avatar and requires its feet to be unmodified. Bases that have been modified in Blender and reimported work too. For more read here: (https://kyrowovrc.craft.me/4XwuZdyjZwGxHT) ⚠ ⚠ ⚠ ⚠ ⚠ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ⚠ THIS IS A LICENSED PRODUCT ⚠ Requires a working internet connection to use. ⚠ By buying this you have read and ⚠ agreed to the Terms Of Service (https://t.ly/-H0Tw) ⚠ and Privacy Policy (https://t.ly/X4y7y). ⚠ Our server might take up to 10 minutes to register the purchase. ⚠ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ever thought your Avatar could use some Toe controls? This Unity Editor Script utilizes Modular Avatar and allows you to add it in a non-destructive and very fast way! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Do you have your own outfit? Your own Kneesocks? Socks? No problem! The script comes with the ability to transfer weightpaint to other meshes- fully non-destructive! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - You want to permanentely add them to your Avatar? Use the additional Blender script provided! This is just optional, since all the main Toe Addon scripts run in Unity. - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - Menu toggles / Features explained: - -
• Write Defaults On/Off support. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - • Manual Toe Control - Control toes with your finger rotation. • Toe Puppet Control - Up/Down+Spread • Toe Auto Animation • Physbone Toggle
- - Supported Avatar Bases: - -
Do you want me to add another base? Feel free to send me a private message on discord and I'll let you know if I already own the base you requested. If not, feel free to gift me the base via gift link for Booth! (No asset sharing!) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 竜胆 / Rindo: https://jingo1016.booth.pm/items/3443188 マヌカ / Manuka: https://booth.pm/ko/items/5058077 セレスティア / Celestia: https://jingo1016.booth.pm/items/4035411 ゾメちゃん / Zome-chan: https://yorshkasencho.booth.pm/items/4118550 舞夜 / Maya: https://kyubihome.booth.pm/items/3390957 桔梗 / Kikyo: https://ponderogen.booth.pm/items/3681787 シフォン / Chiffon: https://komado.booth.pm/items/5354471 ライム / Lime: https://komado.booth.pm/items/4876459 カリン / Karin: https://komado.booth.pm/items/3470989 ラスク / Rusk: https://komado.booth.pm/items/2559783 ミルク / Milk: https://komado.booth.pm/items/2953391 ミント / Mint: https://komado.booth.pm/items/2258111 イヨ / Eyo: https://booth.pm/en/items/2630437 イメリス / Imeris: https://booth.pm/en/items/3040745 瑞希 / Mizuki: https://booth.pm/en/items/5132797 メリノ / Merino: https://booth.pm/en/items/2351859 UltimateKissMa: https://booth.pm/en/items/3079230 ルフィナ / Rufina: https://yueou.booth.pm/items/4670579 ペルラ / Perula: https://yueou.booth.pm/items/5565569 右近 / UkonV2: https://booth.pm/en/items/4839004 ここあ / Kokoa: https://booth.pm/en/items/2780069
- - The Package & Dependencies - -
• KTEK Toe Addon Base Script • KTEK Toe Addon Preset • KTEK Authenticator • Setup Video + Setup Guide (https://kyrowovrc.craft.me/4XwuZdyjZwGxHT) • Unitypackage (.unitypackage)
- - Technicalities - -
• NOT QUEST / ANDROID COMPATIBLE. • 20 Parameter Memory • 10 Rotation Constraints • 20 Bones & Physbones
- - Terms - -
You must make sure to read and agree with the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy (https://t.ly/-H0Tw) before buying this product. THIS IS A PERSONAL LICENSE. NO COMMERCIAL LICENSE AVAILABLE. • Public Avatars: OK • Private Avatars: OK • Using on/for Stream/VTubing: OK • Sharing Files: PROHIBITED • Reselling Files: PROHIBITED • Claiming As Yours: PROHIBITED
- - Contact - -
Looking for discounts or need help? Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/umn2C7FCQr ! We have different support channels with solutions. If you need more help feel free to ask and I'll personally assist you :D - - - - - - - Discord: Kyrowo Twitter: KyrowoVRC Business E-Mail: Kyrowo@realitive-vision.de
- - Update Log - -
Release - V1.0.0 - Version - V1.0.1 - Blender Script updated to V1.0.1 - Fixed an issue with missing packages Version - V1.0.2 - Fixed an compatibility issue with missing avatar bones - Chiffon: weight paint fix Version - V1.0.21 Fixed a bone serialization issue Version - V1.0.22 - Made it AAO compatible (Haven't tested much, but no warnings anymore!) - Version: 1.0.3 - Exposed Rotation Constraint weight settings - Changed the obfuscation methods. Should not display any false positive virus alerts anymore. - Version: 1.0.4 - fixed an issue with FX Controller off not resetting some states - Added UkonV2, Kokoa, Rufina, Perula, Mint and Milk presets - Version: 1.0.41 - fixed another issue with FX Controller off not resetting properly.