Niyah's Comfy CornerShark Outfit | サメの衣装Digital1,000 JPYAdd to CartBuy a GiftAbout GiftSimple outfit I made for Moe ! Want it for any other models ? Send me a tweet :) △14931 VRAM: 36.67 mb ------------ 萌のために作ったシンプルな衣装! △14931 VRAM: 36.67 mbNiyah's Comfy CornerVisit FANBOX!3D AccessoriesCow Tag | 牛の耳標(うしのじひょう)Niyah's Comfy Corner300 JPY3D PropsPill bottle | 錠剤ボトルNiyah's Comfy Corner400 JPY3D CharactersLumira - Warudo / VseeFace / VRChat / Unity.Niyah's Comfy Corner3,000 JPY3D Clothing愛莉の衣装 | Airi's OutfitNiyah's Comfy Corner1,250 JPY3D Accessoriesかわいい耳と尻尾セット| Ears & TailNiyah's Comfy Corner450 JPY3D ClothingCyber futuristic Jacket | サイバー風未来的ジャケットNiyah's Comfy Corner600 JPY3D Accessoriesキャット・クロック 腕時計モデル || Cat O'Clock WatchNiyah's Comfy Corner450 JPY3D Clothingセーラースイートハートセット | Sailor Sweetheart SetNiyah's Comfy Corner1,000 JPY3D Clothing様々なモデルのために作られた快適な衣装 | Comfy outfit made for various modelsNiyah's Comfy Corner1,000 JPY3D Clothing様々な3Dモデル用のフランス製ベレー帽 || French beret for various 3D models.Niyah's Comfy Corner400 JPY3D Clothingラブビジョン:ハート形3Dリルトゥーングラス || Love Vision: Heart-Shaped 3D Liltoon GlassesNiyah's Comfy Corner350 JPY3D Clothing桔梗、マヌカ、萌え、竜胩、セレスティア、シンラ用の子犬/犬の首輪 | Puppy/Doggy Collar for Kikyo, Manuka, Moe, Rindo, Selestia, ShinraNiyah's Comfy Corner450 JPY~3D Clothing猫形のレッグベルト | Cat-Shaped Leg BeltNiyah's Comfy Corner450 JPY~3D Clothingマヌカとモエの3Dカジュアルコーデ:クロップT、ショーツ&ブーツ | Manuka and Moe's 3D Casual Outfit: Cropped Tee, Shorts & BootsNiyah's Comfy Corner1,250 JPY3D ClothingVRCatアバター用ストッキングテクスチャ | VRCat Stocking Textures for AvatarsNiyah's Comfy Corner250 JPY~3D Props犬用キューキュー鳴るおもちゃ | Squeaky dog toyNiyah's Comfy Corner250 JPY3D Clothingカップル用のインタラクティブな愛のブレスレット | Interactive love bracelets for coupleNiyah's Comfy Corner500 JPY3D Clothing血まみれの角 | Bloody HornsNiyah's Comfy Corner450 JPY3D Clothing未来的な角 | Futuristic HornsNiyah's Comfy Corner300 JPY3D Clothingドレイクの角 | Drake HornsNiyah's Comfy Corner400 JPYSee More