M3-2024autumnHymn Above Traumatic Emotion楽隊車に抗うPhysical (worldwide shipping)Purchase via BuyeeBuyee is a third party service for shipping your items globally. Read More楽隊車に抗う[CD]Ships within 4 daysPhysical (direct)400 JPYPhysical (ship to Japan)/ Digital Download楽隊車に抗う[CD]Ships within 4 daysPhysical (direct)400 JPYAdd to Cart楽隊車に抗う[DL版]Digital300 JPYAdd to CartBuy a GiftAbout Gift1渇望する旋律2楽隊車に抗う2年の時を経て、Hymn Above Traumatic Emotionが放つ最新シングル。表題曲はメロディックデスメタル、メタルコア、ブラックメタル、ヴィジュアル系といった多様な要素を融合させた楽曲。重厚なサウンドと芯の強い女性ボーカルが紡ぐ切ないメロディが心を深く抉る。 【Tracklist】 1.渇望する旋律 2.楽隊車に抗う 【Staff】 KUHLE - Compose,Lyric,Guitar,Mix,Mastering 無想りんね - Design ぬの - Vocal Hymn Above Traumatic EmotionViewM3-2021springMusic (General)幻葬Hymn Above Traumatic Emotion1,200 JPYM3-2019autumnMusic (General)救済Hymn Above Traumatic Emotion200 JPY~ViewM3-2019springMusic (General)NULLUSHymn Above Traumatic Emotion1,000 JPY~ViewMusic (General)サイアノタイプHymn Above Traumatic Emotion300 JPY~ViewMusic (General)OMBRAHymn Above Traumatic Emotion1,000 JPYViewMusic (General)Ecdysis-夢ノ森ニテ-Hymn Above Traumatic Emotion100 JPY~Comic Market 91Illustration & CG collectionsOut of StockWHO IS tac-t!s?Hymn Above Traumatic Emotion1,000 JPYViewComic Market 90Music (General)悪の枝Hymn Above Traumatic Emotion100 JPYViewM3-2015秋Music (General)WE ARE THE DESTROYERS IMAGE SONGSHymn Above Traumatic Emotion200 JPYSee More