Mens Bath Towel メンズ 温泉 バス タオル ♨️ Modular Avatar対応 Unitypackage for VRChat
- BOKUSEI 墨惺対応Digital1,400 JPY
- KOMANO 狛乃対応Digital1,400 JPY
- REI 怜対応Digital1,400 JPY
- OUT OF STOCKDigital9,999,999 JPY

All assets made from scratch by Hanaechu. ・By purchasing this product you agree to its license and the rules. Copyright included in the package as well as down below. v ★I will take legal action if the rules are broken. Items included in the package ・Hip Towel ・Head Towel ・Textures, masks, normalmaps etc. ・Rigged. ・もっこり 3 Types Shapekeys ・もっこり PhysBone ・Head Towel PhysBone Modifying for private usage is okay. Data Info: 2766 Triangles, 2 meshes, 2 materials ご質問やご相談、不具合の報告、違反報告の際は For questions, consultations, bug reports, and violation reports message me through BOOTH.PM
What you need:
Poiyomi Toon poi_Toon_7.3.50_UpTo_9.0.61 Shader Modular Avatar:
Not included in the package:
【オリジナル3Dモデル】墨惺 3way+3 あんでも♡デビルウルフハーフアップヘア: 【オリジナル3Dモデル】怜-Rei- 【オリジナル3Dモデル】狛乃-Komano-
Terms Of Use
VN3ライセンスを使用しております。 規約の内容は次のページをご覧ください。 We are using VN3 license. Please see the next page for the terms and conditions. ・Scroll down in the PDF for english.