ストリーマーやVTuber、歌手、ダンサー、DJ、カラオケ向けのアニメーションステージライトエフェクト、Twitchストリームオーバーレイ、背景、OBS対応 / Animated Stage Light Effects for Streamers & VTubers, Perfect Twitch Overlays & Background
- Digital1,500 JPY

Great stream package of animated stage light effects for streamers and VTubers. Includes looping color-changing laser spotlights, mirror ball light effects, and an aesthetic, stylish loft with brick walls — both animated and static backgrounds. Perfect Twitch overlays and backgrounds for singers, dancers, fitness trainers, DJ parties, future pop stars, karaoke and more. Ready to use, easy to install, and customizable in OBS Studio.
This stream package includes 5 animated assets in 2 ZIP archives: 1. Static Background - Stage, 1920 x 1080, PNG; 2. Animated Background - Stage, 1920 x 1080, MP4, 6 sec, loop; 3. Animated Overlay - Laser Light Stage Effect, 1920 x 1080, WEBM, 6 sec, loop; 4. Animated Overlay - Mirror Ball Light Effect, 1920 x 1080, WEBM, 12 sec, loop; 5. Animated Overlay - Mirror Ball, 960 x 960, WEBM, 12 sec, loop Here are some more tips: 1. Drag and drop the background into your scene in OBS studio. Alternatively, click the "+" button in the "Sources" menu, select "Media Source" in the dropdown menu. 2. Don't forget to enable the "loop" option to make it seamless. 3. Add the effect file to your OBS scene: simply drag and drop it. Loop it as well. 4. To make the overlay as visually impactful as possible, use an appropriate blending mode: right-click on the overlay layer and, in the menu that opens, select "Blending Mode." Then, choose either "Add" or "Screen." 5. You can speed up the playback to match your music track. Note: Do not overcrowd the stage with additional elements to ensure a smooth broadcast. Don't be afraid to experiment! Instant digital download. 重要なお知らせ 利用規約 - これはデジタル商品です。物理的な製品は発送されません。 - 購入後、デジタル形式の画像が提供されます。 - デジタル商品のため、返品、交換、またはキャンセルは受け付けていません。 - お使いのモニターにより、色の見え方が異なる場合がございます。 - 素材または素材を編集・加工したものの2次配布、販売不可