WarudoPRO environment:Space Bar
- warudo 通常版Digital1,000 JPY
- warudo 商用版Digital4,000 JPY
- warudo pro 通常版Digital2,000 JPY
- warudo pro 商用版Digital6,000 JPY

This product version is the regular&PRO version. If you need help adjusting the effect after purchase, please contact the author. This scene is a self-made stage that requires adjustments and post-processing using settings such as a guide station to achieve the highest visual effect. This scene is produced and distributed by HZ-D&Fang Yixing, and the author must be indicated when using it. If you have any questions or seek cooperation or scene customization, please send me a private message If you encounter any problems, please contact me directly The purchase address can be found in the comments section window display. After purchasing the environmental post-treatment effect, please contact me for remote adjustment.
warudo warudo pro environment Effect data
利用規約(Terms of service)
⚠️ 購入する前に、必ず製品の内容と利用規約をお読みください。 https://s897682512.fanbox.cc/manage/posts/4918774 ⚠️ Please be sure to read the product contents and terms of use before purchasing. https://s897682512.fanbox.cc/manage/posts/4918774 作成者は、このモデルの使用によって生じたいかなる損害または損失についても責任を負いません。 The author is not responsible for any damage or loss caused by the use of this model.