SF45 Library for KONTAKT
- Digital1,800 JPY

※こちらはKONTAKT版です。 スーパーファミコン(SNES)のサウンドを再現したKONTAKT音源です。 大ヒットRPGシリーズSFCの4作目と5作目の音色を再現しています。 レトロなゲームのBGM制作などに最適です。 This is a library for KONTAKT that reproduces the sound of SNES. Reproduce the sound of famous RPG. Ideal for creating background music for retro games. VST版はこちら。Click here for VST version. https://twinkledisc.booth.pm/items/936008 VST版との違いなどはこちらをご確認ください。 https://twinkledisc.net/sf6_vst/ KONTAKT 5.7.3以降対応 KONTAKT PLAYER非対応 2.5MB 60パッチ 2リズムキット プリセット SF4:Bass, Cembalo, Flute, Harp 1, Harp 2, Marimba, Organ Pipe, Strings, Synth 1, Synth 2, Synth 3, Timpani, Trumpet SF5:Bass, Clavi, Dulcimer, Flute, Glockenspiel, Gtr Dist, Harp, Horn, Music Box, Oboe, Organ, Organ Rock, Piano 1, Piano 2, Shout, Steel Drum, Strings, Synth Pad 7th, Synth 1, Synth 2, Synth 3, Synth 4, Synth 5, Tabla, Timpani, Trumpet, Vox, Xylophone SF45 Exp:Bass Acoustic, Bass Slap, Bass Synth, Brass, Cello, Clarinet, E.Piano, Gtr Clean, Gtr Nylon, Gtr Overdrive, Gtr Steel, Hit, Pizzicato, Synth Bell, Tuba, Tublar Bells, Vibraphone, Violin Rhythm:SF4 Drum & Perc Kit, SF5 Drum & Perc Kit ◆関連商品◆ SRS123 Library VST AU https://twinkledisc.booth.pm/items/968842 SRS123 Library for KONTAKT https://twinkledisc.booth.pm/items/968829 SF45 Library VST AU https://twinkledisc.booth.pm/items/936008 SF45 Library for KONTAKT https://twinkledisc.booth.pm/items/936005 SF6 Library VST AU SRS123 Library VST AU https://twinkledisc.booth.pm/items/968842 SRS123 Library for KONTAKT https://twinkledisc.booth.pm/items/968829 SF45 Library VST AU https://twinkledisc.booth.pm/items/936008 SF45 Library for KONTAKT https://twinkledisc.booth.pm/items/936005 SF6 Library VST AU https://twinkledisc.booth.pm/items/901347 SF6 Library for KONTAKT https://twinkledisc.booth.pm/items/829425 SF6 Library for KONTAKT https://twinkledisc.booth.pm/items/829425