「シャーロShaclo -Winter-用」競泳水着
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Shaclo -Winter-用に作りました テクスチャ:脱狗 https://www.pixiv.net/users/30513140 シャーロこちらへ https://booth.pm/en/items/1572472 △合計:5544 【内容物】 Unityファイル Fbx テクスチャ チュートリアル動画 【商用利用】 大々的な再配布はお止めください 【Declaration of agreement】 You are eligible to use this model for personal use. This includes and is not limited to changing its form, use it for VRyoutubing ect.. Please consider that you are responsible for your own actions and damage you might cause. Redistribution is stricly forbidden and we will take legal actions if violated. Twitter: @Eine_Seele