Sam and the IC card
- ¥ 860
🇯🇵「サムちゃん、侍の子」は赤毛が2017年に作り出したオリジナル キャラクターです。彼女は侍ですが、正体は外国人なんです。 果たしてその元気な侍の子は侍として認められるのでしょうか。 こちらのアイテムはサムちゃんというオリジナルキャラのICカードステッカーです。サイズは約85.7x53.9(mm)です。 ※2枚で1組になっております。 サンプル画像は完成イメージのため、実物と異なる場合があります。 🇮🇹 Adesivo per IC card ( Suica, Pasmo e Icoca)di "Sam-chan la ragazza samurai". Misure 85.7x53.9(mm). Tutte le immagini sono inserite a scopo illustrativo e potrebbero differire dall'originale. Il set comprende 2 adesivi . Sam-chan e' nata nel 2017 da un mio progetto ancora in fase di elaborazione. Sam-chan e' una ragazza destinata a diventare una grande samurai, ma ha un piccolo grande segreto: non e' giapponese ma straniera. Riuscira' la piccola Sam a farsi accettare come una vera samurai nonostante le sue origini? 🇬🇧 Sticker for IC card ( Suica, Pasmo e Icoca) of Sam-chan the samurai-girl. Size 85.7x53.9(mm). Product images are for illustrative purposes only and may differ from the actual product. Due to differences in monitors, colours of products may also appear different to those shown on the site. The set includes 2 stickers. Who is Sam-chan? Sam the samurai girl is a project of Akage born in 2017 and still a work in progress. Despite she seems a perfect samurai, Sam has a secret.. she is not japanese. Will Sam-chan be able to proof everyone and herself that she can afford the samurai-title?
- ICカードステッカー - 約85.7x53.9(mm)2024/12/10