Possila 3D VRChat Avatar 3.0
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Possila, the opossum that can solve practical problems! Possila is a fully featured avatar for VRChat using the Avatar 3.0 system. Features: - "Avatar 2.0 style" gesture expressions (can be toggled off in the action menu for when you just want to make gestures without expressing) - An expression submenu with the same expressions that are on the gestures plus extra expressions. - A 2-way mood slider that can apply four extra moods on top of existing expressions. - Seven pieces of clothing that can be put on or off individually. - A hardhat for protecting your head in hazardous workplaces. - A radio that you can hold in either hand or put on your jacket. - A clipboard that you can hold in either hand, both to read but also to show other people (feel free to edit the texture!). - Textures that work with both Toon and PBR shaders, giving you the best of both worlds. - Various sliders for body proportions and some controls for posing the ears and tail.
Included files / 含まれるファイル
Possila1.1.0.zip (114 MB) - Possila1.1.0.unitypackage PossilaBlend1.0.0.zip (132 MB) - PossilaBlend.blend PossilaSubstance1.0.0.zip (245 MB) - possSubst.spp - PossyClothings.spp
Usage terms / 利用規約
You are allowed to make any modifications. 変更を加えることができます。 This model can be used as a personal avatar in games like VRChat and Neos VR. このモデルは、VRChatやNeos VRなどのゲームでパーソナルアバターとして使用できます。 Do not upload as a public avatar. 公開アバターとしてアップロードしないでください。 You can use the model for any personal purpose like producing pictures, animations and videos. 写真、アニメーション、ビデオの制作など、個人的な目的でモデルを使用できます。 You are allowed to use the model for adult R-18 or R-18G purposes, but please follow the rules of the game or service it is used in. 大人のR-18またはR-18Gの目的でモデルを使用することは許可されていますが、使用されているゲームまたはサービスのルールに従ってください。 Do not distribute the model, textures or any modifications of these. モデル、テクスチャ、またはこれらの修正を配布しないでください。 Do not use for commercial purposes. Using the model in monetized videos or streaming is allowed. 商用目的で使用しないでください。収益化された動画やストリーミングでのモデルの使用は許可されています。
Change log / 更新履歴
2021-04-06: Version 1.0.0 2021-04-24: Version 1.0.1: - Fixed "VRC Emotes" menu not working 2021-11-20: Version 1.0.2 - Fixed broken walking animation when crouching in VR (no full body) - Fixed torso wobbling when moving with Locomotion (FBT) turned off - "Disable Locomotion" button now also works in VR without full body 2021-12-02: Version 1.0.3 - Fixed VRC Emotes broken when in FBT 2024-04-03: Version 1.1.0 - Replaced Dynamic Bones with PhysBones - Changed texture import settings for better quality & lower texture memory usage