Commander of Battlefront 開発デモ版New 【PCゲーム】
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最終更新日 2025年1月18日 ver. a.5.3 Youtube動画
Languages Supported
※This may be incorrect as it is machine translated. ※At the time of release on Steam, the number of supported languages may be reduced due to translation costs. Japanese English Chinese Simplified Chinese Traditional German Russian French Italian Korean Spanish Portuguese Brazil Polish Thai
プレイヤーは前線指揮官となり部隊に命令を与えながら、1ユニットを実際に操作して戦います。 ゲームジャンル:3DシューターRTS 部隊を指揮する 仲間NPCの部隊に対して、フォロー、待機、移動、援護射撃、突撃、蘇生などの様々な命令をリアルタイムに出すことができます。 複数のユニットに異なる命令を出しつつ、プレイヤーは別の敵を攻撃、というようにマルチタスクをうまくこなすことで、より効率よくステージをクリアできます。 様々なユニット種類 突撃兵、バズーカ兵、豆戦車、軽戦車などの特徴の異なる様々な種類のユニットが登場します。 部隊のうち1ユニットを実際にプレイヤーが操作します。いつでも仲間NPCのユニットに操作を切り替えることができます。 ユニット相性で勝負する 下の例のように各ユニットには相性が存在します。有利な相性のユニットを敵にぶつけることが勝敗のカギです。 ・戦車は突撃兵に有利 ・バズーカ兵は戦車に有利 ・突撃兵はバズーカ兵に有利
本ゲームは現在開発途中です。本商品の購入者は開発途中の内容にアクセスできます。 開発デモ版NewはBooth上で取り扱う最後のアップデートになる予定です。 数年後に本ゲームが完成した際にはSteam等のプラットフォームで販売予定です。 世界観やグラフィックなどは仮であり、Steamでリリースするときには変更予定です。 ゲームタイトルは仮であり、今後変更する可能性があります。 Steamページ公開時にはboothに置いてあるこのデモ版は非公開設定になります。 本ゲームはシングルプレイ専用です。 デモ版Newでは以下の内容が遊べます ・チュートリアルミッション ・メインミッション(3部隊あり) 登場ユニット 歩兵:突撃兵、バズーカ兵、ライフル兵 車両:豆戦車、軽戦車、中戦車、多砲塔戦車、軽駆逐戦車 固定兵器:重機関銃、対戦車砲
OS: Windows 10または11 64bit CPU: Intel Core i5-9300H 2.4GHz 4コア 以上 RAM: 8GB以上 GPU: GeForce GTX 970(4GB) 以上 or GTX1060(6GB) 以上 or GTX1650(4GB) 以上 DirectX: 11,12 ストレージ: 3GB以上の空き容量 (ZIP解凍後のゲームファイルは1GB程あります) ディスプレイ解像度: 横1920 縦1080 想定 入力デバイス: マウス+キーボード または XinputのXBOXコントローラに準拠したゲームパッド
Game Description
The player becomes the front line commander,giving orders to his troops and actually operating them to fight. Game genre : 3D shooter RTS Commanding Units Various orders can be issued in real time to units of fellow NPCs, such as follow, wait, move, cover fire, charge, and revive. By successfully multitasking, such as issuing different orders to multiple units while the player attacks different enemies, the stage can be cleared more efficiently. Various Unit Types Various types of units with different characteristics, such as Assault Infantry, Bazooka Infantry, Tankette, and Light Tank, are available. One of the units is actually controlled by the player. At any time, the player can switch control to a fellow NPC unit. Playing by Unit type advantage/disadvantage As shown in the example below, each unit has type advantage/disadvantage. The key to victory is to hit the enemy with units that have advantage. ・Tank have an advantage over Assault Infantry. ・Bazooka Infantry have an advantage over Tank. ・Assault Infantry have an advantage over Bazooka Infantry.
About this Product
This game is currently under development. Purchasers of this product will have access to the contents under development. The development【Demo Version New】will be the last update handled on Booth. When the game is completed in a few years, it will be available on Steam and other platforms. The world and graphics are tentative and will be changed when the game is released on Steam. The game title is tentative and may change in the future. When the Steam page is released, the demo version on booth will be set to private. This game is single-player only. In the【Demo Version New】you can play the following ・Tutorial missions ・Main mission (selectable 3 forces) Appearance Units Infantry: Assault Infantry, Bazooka Infantry, Rifle Infantry Vehicles: Tankette, Light Tank, Medium Tank, Multi-turret Tank, Tank destroyer Fixed weapons: Heavy Machinegun, Anti-tank gun
Required PC Specs
OS: Windows 10or11 64bit OS CPU: Intel Core i5-9300H 2.4GHz 4core RAM: 8GB GPU: GeForce GTX 970(4GB) or GTX1060(6GB) or GTX1650(4GB) DirectX: 11,12 Storage : at least 3 GB free space (game files after unzipping are about 1 GB) Display resolution : 1920 x 1080 (expected) Input devices : mouse + keyboard or Xinput XBOX controller
Contact me
If you have any comments, bug reports, questions, requests, or anything that was difficult to understand or operate, please send me a BOOTH message or my Discord.
Change Log
ver.a.5.1 An issue where WASD movement did not work properly when using some overseas keyboards. An issue where the mission could not progress if the player performed a revive action themselves during the revive command tutorial. ver.a.5.2 ・Changed the amount of self-repair for tanks to 34%. ・The Esc key now opens the System menu. ・Added an option to swap the input for troop selection and weapon switching when using the mouse keyboard. (When turned on, the number keys are used to select weapons and the mouse wheel is used to select troops.) ・Changed the button display of the weapon switching UI in the lower right corner. ・The stick input dead zone for vehicle movement with a controller has been slightly increased. ・The response speed when giving a move order to an NPC has been increased a little. ・Some translations have been corrected. Ver. a.5.3 ・Repair progress of fellow tanks is now displayed. ・When a player falls down, his/her followers will engage immediately. ・Camera rotation acceleration can now be turned off as an option (when using the gamepad). ・Improved accuracy of tank evasive maneuvers by allied infantry ・Fixed a problem in the first area of Mission 2 where tanks would move to the right edge. ・DualSenseEdge controller can be used. ・Added Polish to the language selection. ・Added Thai language to the language selection. ・Some translations have been corrected. I would like to thank the people at Discord for their help in translation. Thank you very much. The following bugs may be fixed by updating Unity and pathfinding library to the latest version. ・In rare cases, the military units would not follow orders. ・In rare cases, error logs are generated and the size of the log file becomes large. ・In rare cases, The application freezes.