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I-sちゃん専用ビキニ 可愛くて、すこしセクシーな水着 Tokunaga_acのI-s2向けです https://atelier-alca.booth.pm/items/2460693 UTSシェーダーを使います。同梱していませんのでインポートしてください。 ポリゴン数:1640△ マテリアル数:1 メッシュ数:1 テキスチャー:八色と六パターン (PSDとCLIP同梱) *肌脚のテキスチャーはI-s2のIs2_Body_Color.psdにあります とも屋のキセテネを使って着せ替えができます。 https://booth.pm/ja/items/2332420 再配布は禁止です。 Bikini for I-s. It's cute, and a bit sexy. This is made for Tokunaga_ac's I-s 2, which is here. https://atelier-alca.booth.pm/items/2460693 Uses UTS. However, the shader is not included, so make sure to import it before. Polygons: 1640△ Materials: 1 Meshes: 1 Textures: 8 solid colors & 6 patterns (PSD and CLIP included) * The texture for bare legs is in I-s2's Is2_Body_Color.psd. Tomoya's kisetene can be used to put the swimsuit on the avatar. https://booth.pm/ja/items/2332420 No unauthorized reselling or redistribution.