Hez Home Base V1.1 (VRChat)
- ¥ 100
sale event: 150 JPY -> 100JPY VRCHAT WORLD 1. import WORLD SDK3 2022. 2. import UDONSHARP 0.20.3 3. import this unitypackage
sampe world
example : hez home https://vrchat.com/home/world/wrld_86cf4c70-749c-4ded-9bc3-89cb3fea9d70 sample : hez home (sample) https://vrchat.com/home/world/wrld_ef63b059-a601-42d3-9ffe-d035de7a27bb
V1.0 released V1.1 2022.11.28 improve lights, add post processing and performance optimize
【無料】VRChat Udon 入退室ログアセット https://booth.pm/ko/items/2683599 [VRChat] UdonNameDisplay https://booth.pm/ko/items/1953525 【VRCSDK3用】【無料】デジタル時計 https://booth.pm/ko/items/1979001 Lura's Switch【SDK2/SDK3】 https://booth.pm/ko/items/1969082 CC0 texture::https://cc0textures.com/ [VRChat] UdonJoinAlert https://booth.pm/ko/items/1951423
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