I4A1 Carbine Escape Edition
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VRChat対応 VRChat 대응 VRChat Response 全ての写真はV-Rayでランダリングされた写真です。 모든 사진은 V-Ray로 랜더링된 사진입니다. All photos are rendered on V-Ray. [Original Weapon] - I4A1 Carbine - https://infi2.booth.pm/items/2413898 [Parts] - ICTech XCS3-0(Xtreme Continental Sight) - MagFi MOEEE Carbine Stock - EFFI Tactical Premium Grip with Palm Shelf - AR-15 CAI 14.5 inch IC Rail handguard - Continental Arms International Prisonbreak Muzzle Device - MagFi IMAG C-60 Magazine AR/I4 5.56x45 Black - InFtis Chift Vertical Grip - InFiWeapons Raptor Charging Handle
SketchUp Entities
[Original] 62 Groups / 33 Instances / 30760 Faces / 11 Materials / 5 Textures > 103451 Polygons [Rev.1] 77 Groups / 33 Instances / 37105 Faces / 11 Materials / 5 Textures > 122456 Polygons [Rev.2] 70 Groups / 33 Instances / 32370 Faces / 11 Materials / 6 Textures > 109507 Polygons
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日本語 : https://aqnts.com/Infi2/JP.pdf 한국어 : https://aqnts.com/Infi2/KR.pdf English : https://aqnts.com/Infi2/EN.pdf 3ds, fbx, obj, skp, stl
2022-05-09 Rev.1
[日本語] 1.トリガーアセンブリが実装されました。 2。従来は各種ネジ、固定ピンなどのメッシュがLower Reiverに統合されていましたが、現在は取り外されています。 3.Magazine Releaseがより正確に実装されました。 [한국어] 1. 트리거 어셈블리가 구현되었습니다. 2. 기존에는 각종 나사, 고정 핀 등 메쉬가 Lower Receiver에 통합되어 있었으나 현재는 분리되었습니다. 3. Magazine Release가 보다 정확하게 구현되었습니다. [English] 1. Trigger Assembly has been implemented. 2. Previously, meshes such as various screws and fixing pins were integrated with the Lower Receiver, but now they are separated. 3. Magazine Release has been recreated more accurately.
2022-10-03 Rev.2
[日本語] Upper Receiver部分のForward Assistを修正しました。 VRChat対応用のunitypackageファイルが追加されました。 適用方法は下記をご参照ください。 1. VRCSDK 3.0 Import 2. PoiYomi 8.0 Import 3. UnityPackage Import Scaleを調整する前に、Parent Constraintを無効にしてください。 Scaleを調整した後、再度有効にしてください。 [한국어] Upper Receiver부분의 Forward Assist를 수정하였습니다. VRChat 지원용 unitypackage 파일이 추가되었습니다. 적용 방법은 아래를 참고해 주십시오. 1. VRCSDK 3.0 Import 2. PoiYomi 8.0 Import 3. UnityPackage Import Scale을 조정하기 전 Parent Constraint를 비활성화 하십시오. Scale을 조정한 후 다시 활성화 하십시오. [English] The Forward Assistant of the Upper Receiver part has been modified. Unitypackage file for VRChat support has been added See below for application instructions. 1. VRCSDK 3.0 Import 2. PoiYomi 8.0 Import 3. UnityPackage Import Disable Parent Constraint before adjusting the scale. Adjust the scale and re-enable it.
Special Thanks
DatOneDoge Rio_