VRChat Model Scaling System v1.03 (update 2023/02/28)
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20230801 : vrchat was updated 2023.2.4 with an official scaling system, which failed and had bugs that would crash the game, requiring removal of the "VRC Animator Temporary Pose Spaces" component in locomotion to fix it, Thank you for your support to me before. In the future, I will create extensibility functions according to the official system This system will be deprecated old: This is a system used to control the size of the Avatar in VRChat and automatically adjust the perspective to the changed position (not completely accurate) problems: Can't simply use your original Locomotion Take 16 Parameters total memory Only available for VRChat SDK3.0 unity project and unity version 2019.4.31f You can use "https://github.com/VRLabs/Avatars-3.0-Manager" Avatars-3.0-Manager The installation teaching video is in the file compression package Update Notes v1.00 normal v1.02 Optimized details and visual experience ·The view will move with the height of the model when changing the zoom ·The original pc and vr controller are integrated together ·The default zoom is set to 1, and a resize button has been added ·Fixed a bug where the view would shake when jumping because of tracking and TPS changes ·Fixed an issue where switching models could get stuck in the sky due to TPS changes v1.03 ·Add a controller "TPose", you should add it to "VRC Avatar Descriptor→Playable Layers→Special→TPose" ·Enabled the ability to change scale in VR or FBT mode: If you want to change scale in VR or FBT mode, click "Options→OSC→ResetConfig" when the scale is finish changing ,and the view will be adapted to the current view ·Set the float argument "ScaleFloat", which controls scaling, to "save" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Terms of use: · The producer is not responsible for the loss caused by using this system. · If this system makes it inconvenient for players to use the model, it has nothing to do with the producer · Edit as you please · The redistribution and sale of original data is prohibited. · Not commercially available. · There is no need to mark provenance, but this is better. If you have questions or suggestions, please send them to "ml1300137932@gmail.com"