2022年8月C100の新刊・ウェルロッド写真集+ROM+AEK999おまけROMのダウンロード版販売ページです。 ※こちらはDL版のページになります。 今回の新作にはウェルロッド写真集(紙媒体)がございますので、紙媒体をご希望の方は写真集+ROM版をご購入ください。 DL版の写真集はWEB閲覧のhtmlデータになりますのでご承知おきください。 For foreigner, On this page, you can buy Welrod MK2 Web Photo book (html) + picture data, and other characters pictures(as you see on this page) You can enjoy Welrod MK2 Photo book on website, but it is originally made as a paper medium. If you wanna get photo book as a paper medium, I recommend the agent that can help orverseas transportation. https://www.tenso.com/static/lp_shop_booth Also these agents are useful, according to BOOTH system. BUYEE 萌购任你购 I am sorry, I did not try these agents by myself, so I cannot explain how to use it. I hope it will be fine! Thank you.