【VRoid】Chucky Dress
- ¥ 100
|| Spanish || Hola OwO Aqui les presento estos dos tipos de vestidos del personaje de terror Chucky, como se puede observar en la imagen les otorgo zapatillas , medias y los ojos, espero les guste mucho OwO Eres libre de usarlo como gustes, no es obligatorio darme creditos, pero si tu deseas darme creditos se aprecia mucho OwO (Imagen Prediseñada obtenida de: https://pin.it/6pRK9A8 ) Mis Redes Sociales: https://pegaotaku.carrd.co/ || English || Hello OwO Here I present these two types of dresses of the horror character Chucky, as you can see in the image I give you shoes, socks and eyes, I hope you like it a lot OwO You are free to use as you like, it is not mandatory to give me credits, but if you want to give me credits it is greatly appreciated OwO (Clipart image obtained from: https://pin.it/6pRK9A8 ) My Social Networks: https://pegaotaku.carrd.co/